LL submitted:
Sejuani from League of Legends, before and after.
An actual case where a video game company fixed her armor. It’s still very boobplatey, but its an improvement. Not that it should have been a bikini in the first place…but that’s what the company asked the artist to do. Long story short, the artist wanted more armor on Sejuani and designed a skin (alternate appearance you can buy) where she wore full plate armor, but they shot it down for a dark elf-like battle bikini skin and a skimpy regular appearance. After months of complaints from the userbase that a warrior riding a giant pig in the middle of winter should probably be wearing a bit more than a bikini and underwear, the artist finally got to redo her the way he wanted to. He’s also known for other champions like Leona, Diana, Quinn, which a lot of people love. League of Legends isn’t exactly the best at female representation in video games, but they’ve kind of improved, especially since the game is so popular nowadays.
Always good to see improvement, even it if still leaves something to wish for.
Now she won’t simply freeze to death, at best she’ll get a frostbite on her neck, (because the designer apparently haven’t heard of scarfs), at worst she’ll get shot right in her heart due to wearing a boobplate. I noticed League of Legends art is kinda obsessed with boobplates.
See also the article about this design tweak on eschergirls and interesting points made in DISQUS comment thread for it!
But in the end, yes, that’s a step ahead for practically clothed women in games.