Pathfinder: Kingmaker may not have the most inspiring splash art…


But it did produce some fantastic positive examples of female warriors and spellcasters, art by Valeriy Vegera!  It’s just a shame that the Pathfinder property seems to have such a tendency to bounce up and down when it comes to this kind of thing.

– wincenworks

So the (forty year long) King’s Bounty video game series has had it’s up and downs, the biggest down being the cover art for the ironically named Armored Princess.


Second place goes to Dark Side:


Third place goes to Crossworlds expansion to Armoured Princess where they decided to go with an even worse design like it was going to be the core brand:


So when I saw they had a new game in the works, I was kind of surprised that it appeared relatively low fantasy with costumes inspired by history and… no beyond peasants and nobles… then I saw the Celestial Warrior, which seems to be the only female unit.

Now, this does of course count as improvement… but that’s hardly worth celebrating since the bar for that was so low and… there’s just something about the developer videos and promotions that makes me… concerned about what content they may not yet be showing off…


…oh dear.

– wincenworks