So in total, there are six female characters in the core fantasy game Massive Darkness kickstarter pack (some more in expansion packs). Four have an aggressive focus on their boobs, all of them have some degree of bare leg on display and one of them has actual armor that protects her actual body (though as we see later, she’s a distaff version of a male character stretch goal)
What do the dudes in the stretch goals look like?

So the female High Elf gets a mask to hide her face (but still has long hair out because woman) and the male Thief gets his cleavage covered up and body bulked up. As for the barbarians… yeah.
I feel that this perfectly sums up so, so many issues that the fantasy genre has with women…. and how’d they go you ask?

These are, just the default characters but there are also characters in expansion packs that further perpetuate the double standards – though there is one which at least includes an female gendered monster that is isn’t sexualized… shame about the two female adventurers in the same pack.
Ostara would have been pretty good if they’d have avoided the showing thigh fetish, but Moira (who covers up her thighs) well….

– wincenworks
(ht: @tharook, @filipfatalattractionrblog)