Riders of Icarus Switch
Another victims recipients of our switch treatment, after Saint Seiya Online, were costumes from Riders of Icarus.
The change was a pretty simple copypaste job, I only adjusted details to better fit other gender’s figure. The lady’s weird incomplete underwear became full pants, the dude’s chin got exposed, so I gave him some lip gloss and goatee to flaunt it more.
As for most crucial difference, the exposed belly and cleavage – in the original the skin looks jarringly different from the armor, as if literally rendered with different engine settings. I decided to preserve the plastic-y look of the flesh to accentuate the guardian’s masculine body. Which, BTW, probably features my best painted abs so far.

This one, too, was basically a copypaste job, except that I hated the shiny pants texture, so I drew them in real quick. I also changed both of their hair to not look like Absolute Garbage. The weird… leotard? lingerie? cloth coverings do end up covering basically all of the fun parts of the dude’s torso, and unfortunately, I didn’t give him my patented Semi-Translucent Bulge™. Especially with that sharp ornament pointing right at his crotch. Believe me when I say, I will not make the same mistake in future streams. At least I made sure his coattails didn’t cover his ass.
Overall, it was a fun and laid-back redesign, I think.