

its ok guys i fixed their designs!!

syndra lives in a floating castle! its gotta be cold and shes always flying so i gave her a nice warm cape and pants. Very elegant

Zed’s design was a mess! assassins are known for using their sexuality to distract their prey!! zed wouldnt be able to seduce anyone to the shadows like that!!! so i fixed him!!!! also he wouldnt be able to do acrobatict assassins moves with that armor so i took it off! you’re welcome rito!!!!!!!!!!!11!!


What good and thoughtful redesigns! 

I love the shapes and coverage on Syndra. She does indeed look elegant and ready to fight, 2 of my favorite looks.

Zed definitely looks like a proper assassin now. The new design is also better for gameplay: it would make him easier to tell apart from his shadows in the heat of battle.

I also love that you can see a bit of his pretty face in the redesign. We can’t go hiding the faces of fictional men! How are we supposed to know that they’re handsome??
