I never got around to bingo-ing the Amazon from Dragon’s Crown, seeing as:

a) her anatomy and posing are a MUCH more noticeable issue (hence she’s been featured on @eschergirlsfrequently)
b) her outfit is a very plain (if gravity-defying) scalemail (?) bikini 

But seeing as we brought some new attention to that character with a post on a figure that makes all the problems with her design tangible and 3-dimensional, I figured “why not?”. At the very least we’ll learn how much a generic, non-fancy bikini armor scores on average.

I checked “Looks nothing like male version of the same outfit”, because while there are obviously no male Amazons, her male playable equivalent, the Fighter, wears a full suit of armor, including a helmet that obscures his bishounen face. If they were equals, he’d look closer to this


(artwork courtesy of invaluable @psdo )

Guess that’s my second Dragon’s Crown Bingo this month, oh well. Both those designs are terrible in different areas.


more Dragon’s Crown on BABD | more Female Armor Bingo on BABD