I never got around to bingo-ing the Amazon from Dragon’s Crown, seeing as:
a) her anatomy and posing are a MUCH more noticeable issue (hence she’s been featured on @eschergirls frequently)
b) her outfit is a very plain (if gravity-defying) scalemail (?) bikini
But seeing as we brought some new attention to that character with a post on a figure that makes all the problems with her design tangible and 3-dimensional, I figured “why not?”. At the very least we’ll learn how much a generic, non-fancy bikini armor scores on average.
I checked “Looks nothing like male version of the same outfit”, because while there are obviously no male Amazons, her male playable equivalent, the Fighter, wears a full suit of armor, including a helmet that obscures his bishounen face. If they were equals, he’d look closer to this:

(artwork courtesy of invaluable @psdo )
Guess that’s my second Dragon’s Crown Bingo this month, oh well. Both those designs are terrible in different areas.
more Dragon’s Crown on BABD | more Female Armor Bingo on BABD
It didn’t take long for people to point out that Linkle looks distinctly like Elf from Dragon’s Crown, only with crossbows and some small style changes:

But personally my bigger issue is why does Linkle need thigh high boots, ridiculous dual crossbows (good luck reloading) and to look so adorable when Link looks like this:

I mean it’s Hyrule Warriors – the core gameplay is literally smashing armies and bosses in a war across Hyrule. So there should less this:

More this:

– wincenworks
This Dragon’s Crown Statue Is Freaking Me Out
This Dragon’s Crown Statue Is Freaking Me Out
@ajhasaplan submitted:
Front page of Kotaku.
What in the shit.

The history of this Dragon’s Crown statue is a wild ride that keeps on going. Originally it appears it was unlicensed, then it was licensed for an exhibition and limited release only within Japan in 2013. And when the world saw how the stylized Amazon looked like when she was represented as something three dimensional, they were horrified.
Now apparently the figure is going to be given a second shot – no word on if they’ll be selling this outside of Japan. But the article provides a pretty great summary of how opinions have warmed:

But really what I love about this statue is that it highlights just how limiting this kind of character design is. It’s not horrifying because they’ve departed from the original design principles, it’s horrifying because in a 3D form that encourages examination – it’s no longer shielded by distraction and the expectation of acceptance due to it’s dependence on tropes.

Seriously, nothing about this design was ever anything less than horrifying – it’s just (poorly) concealed behind distractions and rhetoric about it being some sort of statement about the fantasy adventure genre.

Seriously whether it’s the question of where does the rest of her body go, or what is happening with her “armor” everyone one of these action shots is a moment of horror in the making.
– wincenworks
This Dragon’s Crown Statue Is Freaking Me Out
This Dragon’s Crown Statue Is Freaking Me Out
@ajhasaplan submitted:
Front page of Kotaku.
What in the shit.

The history of this Dragon’s Crown statue is a wild ride that keeps on going. Originally it appears it was unlicensed, then it was licensed for an exhibition and limited release only within Japan in 2013. And when the world saw how the stylized Amazon looked like when she was represented as something three dimensional, they were horrified.
Now apparently the figure is going to be given a second shot – no word on if they’ll be selling this outside of Japan. But the article provides a pretty great summary of how opinions have warmed:

But really what I love about this statue is that it highlights just how limiting this kind of character design is. It’s not horrifying because they’ve departed from the original design principles, it’s horrifying because in a 3D form that encourages examination – it’s no longer shielded by distraction and the expectation of acceptance due to it’s dependence on tropes.

Seriously, nothing about this design was ever anything less than horrifying – it’s just (poorly) concealed behind distractions and rhetoric about it being some sort of statement about the fantasy adventure genre.

Seriously whether it’s the question of where does the rest of her body go, or what is happening with her “armor” everyone one of these action shots is a moment of horror in the making.
– wincenworks
wincenworks reminded me of this proof that covering skin does not yet make female armor non-sexualized, so I figured “why not bingo it?”
It doesn’t score very high, provided that the Female Armor Bingo was designed with the
popular “sexy = skin on display” misconception in mind. But it’s still a major example of skin-tight chainmail, one of the most cringe-inducing tropes of sexualized armor.
Also put a question mark on “How does it attach?!”, cause I really don’t see how exactly spandex chainmail is supposed to physically work.