somanysoundtracks submitted:
So this is a character called Karma from “Seven Knights”/“7 Knights”, which is the game that’s been featured here before apparently. There are some obviously bad female character designs, but this guy is quite nice. Not fully Empowered, but constantly shown with his shirt off and bulging chest. Found this when THIS image popped up on my twitter feed. That’s Karma in his “awakened” form.

(There’s a banner image for “7 Knights” in the notes section on the video so I assume it’s the same game). More Male Empowerment reminiscent of that original “Final Fantasy Mobius” design (although now Karma is technically more “covered” up for shame).
Gotta agree that while there are some nice things about his design, this guy isn’t fully empowered yet. He could, for example, take more vulnerable poses.
Or not be in a game that surrounds heavily-armored dudes with girls in fetishy outfits.

Still, in Seven Knights’ low standards, Karma is pretty empowered for a man.
I found a review of this game’s art book* and the immediately apparent double standard choices do not inspire much confidence.
*Why a game with art direction this “creative” had a “The Art of…” book made is a mystery to me.