I wasn’t keeping up with E3 but the Valkyrie from the Gauntlet game actually has practical armor???
Well, I’m a little disappointed that they seem to have gone with three men and a token woman approach (not that I had high hopes for Gauntlet – one of the original “kill everything that moves or doesn’t move” games), but looking at the most revealing outfit they’re showcasing for her:
I can’t stay mad at her… look at her!
– wincenworks
Since it’s that time again where the popular rhetoric is “Why be so negative? Why not celebrate the improvements!?” I feel it’s time to bring this back.
If Arrowhead Game Studios (founded by students) can do this with Gauntlet, a franchise this is literally thirty years old, and has a questionable history in terms of costume design for Valkyrie, then I think I’m entitled to expect more from major studios.
So, the message to major studios that want praise for “trying to improve” while improving by only the slightest increments (followed by backsteps) remains the same:

– wincenworks