There are two kinds of people.
(made me think of femalearmor, repair-her-armor, and bikiniarmorbattledamage)
My “favorite” part is gotta be

Considering they’re commenting on a video game concept art, not a traditional 2D animation model sheet or a comic book character design. No-one is going to actually draw this outfit over and over again to animate the game; it’s going to be rendered in 3D.
And while CG renders obviously also require more work the more complex they are, the explanation doesn’t apply when only female characters are “too hard to animate/render/draw”.
If fictional men don’t also sport the same suspiciously bodypaint-like clothes as women, the “easier to do” excuse is invalid, no matter what medium the characters are presented in.
As a side note, boobsocks have more polygons than a realistic single boob bulge, so it’s not easier or more efficient to make a 3D “catsuit” model with separate breast compartments.
(Edit: Added some bolding due to concerns people felt that pointing out the video game/3D comparison was not in line with address the idea of Anime being different due to being a drawn medium. It’s also worth pointing out that anime has been using CG since the 80s and that even anime that shamelessly use every shortcut they can get their hands on still don’t super-simplify simply to save drawing.

– wincenworks)