This is amazingly terrible even for Antarctic Press – the legendary publishers who brought us Warrior Nun Areala.  Somehow I don’t see this particular showdown being as exciting as the typography would indicate.

Some of my personal favorite touches:

  • Her bra doesn’t connect at the front, there is a gap between the cups
  • They couldn’t work out how to fit the sexy lady in and make it clear she has fangs – so they made her a weird looking pink thing with a “vampire” coat
  • Yeti and the snow would imply this happens somewhere freezing cold… but there’s a giant snake involved?
  • There is a werewolf wearing a flatcap on the cover, and instead of making that a focus point they concealed it in her “cloak”

I feel that if this cover reflects the quality of story telling, ninety-nine cents is a lot to ask for a product like this is today’s economy.

– wincenworks