anomenon submitted:
Heroic nudity is great, but for it to work, you need to give the figure a body someone can fear in battle. Quite honestly, there’s a very wide range of muscular female body types, just as long as it looks like the girl can lift her weapon and use it effectively it should be good.
Nothing against super-model thinness except that the front-lines of an ancient battle field seems to be the wrong place for it. An archer may be a little more appropriate though…
Thank you for submission! Great art 🙂
I would go and say that supermodel-thin women are not necessary all unable to hold heavy weapons, but their body type is definitely over-represented in popular media compared to any other, including various athletic female bodies.
It is a fact that muscle mass develops in different ways, depending on the type of physical activities the person engages in, thus female athletes can look as different as such:(from left to right: bodybuilder, two weightlifters and two rhytmic gymnasts)
Sadly, as far as male warrior bodies are represented in many different ways (some more, some less believable), female ones usually are defaulted to generic thin figure with bust size as the only variation (if there’s even variation to speak of). And the rare exceptions tend to be… problematic.
Thank you again, anomenon, for bringing that issue up.