@doctorsanity submitted:
I present to you… nameless green giant warrior from the One Piece mobile treasure cruise game… Now I don’t know if these designs are by the big guy Eiichiro Oda himself but… she’s pretty much a good representation for what One Piece has devolved into tbh. (You’ll also notice high heels)
I believe Treasure Cruise has a leveling system and this is her first form to upgraded form?
Male giants for comparison:

I live in a house with a staggering amount of One Piece merchandise throughout it and would never have picked this as being vaguely related without being told.
That’s not to say that One Piece doesn’t dip into the usual fan service tropes but compare the above to say…

Seriously, boobs and generic dudes are not an acceptable substitute for off the wall wackiness. They could at least have tried to make these designs interesting or at least entertaining.
– wincenworks