For the cover of our history of games, let’s see…we’ll have Mario, he’s pretty well known, get an updated Pac-Man to show we’ve also gotten updated, aaaaaand let’s throw in a scantily clad woman who absolutely no one cares about or has heard of.
They could have at least used Lara Croft for pete’s sake.
Fun fact (sorta): She’s actually from EverQuest, used to be THE MMO.
That book is freakin’ ancient in terms of gaming, I remember picking that up in ‘05 or so.
I did think I recognized her from the EverQuest box. But even so, could you even name her at the time? Could most gamers, compared to such big but better dressed names as Lara Croft, Samus, or Princess Zelda? I rather doubt it.
It’s kind of impressive how Firiona Vie, despite being an iconic character from a cult game, represents a perfect mix of all that is generic about fantasy lady design, no matter what version of her look we’re talking about:

There’s absolutely nothing distinctive about her. If we put her among any of those dime-o-dozen fantasy women from web ads and ask someone who never heard of EverQuest to find a difference, she’d be just another bikini-clad elf girl.