mermaididols submitted:
Darling Charming is a character from the Ever After High, a doll line by Mattel. She’s the daughter of King Charming and is destined to become a damsel-in-distress and princess, but she’s discontent with that and instead wants to play the part of a knight and hero
Good enough premise, right? And her outfit seems a little unfit for battle, but obviously its more of a fashion statement than something to fight in. But wait, here she is in full armor!

I just think it’s a fun look at a very positive portrayal, especially in something aimed at young girls.
Thank you for such a great submission! It is really encouraging to see a positive example like that in a franchise aimed at little girls.
Just to be sure I checked how the breastplate from her default outfit looks on the doll.

That’s… actually very cute and stylized.
It’s kind of sad that a company behind Barbie dolls can design a fashion breastplate which looks more like genuine armor than what many video games and comics claim to be a fully functional “breastplate”.