Looking over the reactions to our recent Overwatch posts I’ve noticed two trends in responses:
- A lot of people are angry that we would dare criticise Blizzard’s designs, saying things like that they are “just for fun” and couldn’t possibly be better for a variety of odd reasons
- A lot of you have thought up way better and fun ideas for Halloween costumes for Overwatch characters
So the solution is obvious: Let’s have a competition, and make it a big one!

To design Halloween costumes that will be more imaginative, more vibrant and more engaging than those put forth by Blizzard.
There will be two categories, with first, second and third places for each:
Spooky Ladies: Pick a female Overwatch superstar and design her a costume that is both spoopy and badass. Whether they’re menacing, overflowing with personality or a really clever reference we want to see them. We’ll be particularly looking for costumes that fit the character
Sexy Gentlemen: Pick a male Overwatch cast member and design him a costume that is sexy, and by sexy I mean: sexy. Badassery is totally optional here and you can get as silly as you like within a few basic guidelines that will apply to both categories.
(Since this is a competition we strongly advise you to look beyond the obvious choices. We all know that Lucio, Hanzo and Genji could make a potato sack look sexy and already have a metric ton of fanart love – but can anyone find an sensual angle for Junkrat that remains true to the spirit or a way to make Solider 76 interesting? That’s a real challenge)
Full rules available on our competition page.

Now, to re-enforce that it is absolutely, totally okay to love something problematic and that big games featuring old tropes are but one (admittedly high profile) drop in a big bucket, first prize for both categories will be a choice between:
Your choice of game from BABD’s Curator List on Steam
A copy of Overwatch: Origins Edition
PC players will receive their prize electronically through the system gifting program. Should you win and happen to want a console copy, then it’ll be provided via Amazon.
Second prize will be a copy of a game off our Curator List of your choice up to $20 USD in value.
Third prize will be a copy of a game off our Curator List of your choice up to $10 USD in value.
Any updates will be posted in our BABD 2016 halloween tag and on the competition page itself. All accepted entries will be featured at the end of the competition on the feed and the competition page itself.