While many major developers fall short on a regular basis, but thankfully there are people who work diligently to correct their shortfalls. And here are the works of a few whom we particularly recommend.
Despite the many perils of looking through mod sites, and the things that I can never unsee, I still love modders and the way they allow players to adjust their own experience and add the kind of content they want to see.
Sadly due to the nature of systems involved, most of these are only available for PC only.
Dragon Age: Origins
- Morrigan Sacred Ashes Trailer Robe by Raughnut
- Viva la Orlias by @ladyofpayne
- Human female proportions fix by tmp7704
- Elf female proportions fix by tmp7704
- Dwarf female proportions fix tmp7704
- Rogue armor by tmp7704
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Practical female armor by JZBai (in Steam workshop)
- Practical female armor by mlbeller
- Less sexual female armor by 747823
Mass Effect 3
- New Armor for Samara by OrangeNanny
- Miranda – Horizon Armor by AVPen
- Casual Jack by AVPen
- Buff Female Shepard Body by horography
- Buff FemShep Tank Top by horography
- Miranda New Uniform-Body Mod as pcc files by Getorex
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Give Quiet Clothes (Now With Cutscene Support) by LieutenantShwa
Hideo Kojima model Swap for Quiet by Ryuuji-Takasu-
Have fun!
– wincenworks
* This mod unfortunately had a “fair skinned” version added, which we do not recommend. Just say “no” to white washing.