Remember Crowfall? Since the last time we commented on it, the game grew a few more character options. Yet so far, the Assassin remains the same aggressively uncreative mix of a Warcraft elf, Black Canary and a drow. Plus (crow?) wings, splatter eye makeup/tattoo and a boob window, cause why the hell not.
With no improvement since Februrary, I thought I’d give her a try at the bingo.
I would gladly cross out “Looks nothing like the male version of the same outfit” square just by the virtue that so far most classes archetypes were designed relatively equal, but her people cheated out of it by being a female-only society.
As for the newer classes, Crowfall continues to be an uneven mix of designs that are nicely equal…

…ones that would be equal if less focus was put on female character boobs…

…(also why is male ranger allowed to be middle-aged while female one’s depicted as youthful and pretty?)…

….and this druid class, whose gender dimorphism status is stuck in the limbo until male version is revealed.

Here’s hoping the male druid would actually match her in the “vaguely forest-themed fancy fashion supermodel” department.
And since it’s an independent project that includes crowd-funding, I encourage everyone interested in becoming a backer to bring up the feedback
regarding character designs, both positive and negative, to the crew.