Survey Shows Even Teenage Boys Think Women Are Over-Sexualized in Video Games

Survey Shows Even Teenage Boys Think Women Are Over-Sexualized in Video Games


A survey has found that most teenage boys—despite common wisdom to the contrary—don’t want women to be over-sexualized in their video games.

This survey has been doing the rounds of the media since it got featured in this little publication called Time Magazine.  For those interested in the actual research methods and data, there’s more information here at Polygon (including links to the entire presentation).  They also posted a response to all the publicity here.

All in all it’s more compelling evidence to support our stance that sex does not sell anything but sex.  This was something that was known (to his great disappointment) by one of the original market researches in the 1960s.

Creators, the truth is that are no shortcuts on the road to creative success, no matter what the creepy marketing guy or the person who won’t leave the comments section tell you.

– wincenworks