Spooky Ladies - Two of TwoPhoenix Pharah by @christy7mWidowmaker as the Rose Bride by @undergroundarchivePirate Ana by @cosmiqhttps://67.media.tumblr.com/7bbd5d74781b4a35eb6165d5cab14a09/tumblr_oh19hsDFda1s755fuo1_540.jpgTerminator Zarya by @h-seleneD.Va as Corrupted Bunny Reinhardt by @dorashizcaFrosty Mei by StarnelianWerewolf Zarya by StarnelianSombra as Hackerman from Kung Fury by @robot-singularity

Spooky Ladies competition entries Part 2/2

The gallery of the Spooky Lady category from our Overwatch Halloween Contest comes in two halves. Huge thank you to all the participants! 

Artist credits are on the caption of each image. We’re glad to display all of them as the evidence that Blizzard could do so much better for Halloween – even the simplest ideas prove that there’s more to novelty female costumes than “sexy witch”, whitewashed undead or shameless exotification.

Sexy Gentlemen category entries can be viewed here.
Spooky Ladies ½
