Why A Street Fighter ‘Butt Slap’ Was Removed

Why A Street Fighter ‘Butt Slap’ Was Removed

So remember the outcry that somehow a zoom in shot of Rainbow Mika (R. Mika)’s butt slap was so critical to the game that it’s remove was an act of vile censorship?  Well we now have the official word from the Street Fighter team on what led to that memorable day:

“We didn’t make any change because of external influences,” he says. “Those changes came up internally. We decided to remove that because we want the biggest possible number of people to play, and we don’t want to have something in the game that might make someone uncomfortable.

The even better news is that those who were enraged that such an amazing act of censorship could occur have pretty much re-affirmed the point.  After a month and a lot of publicity, the petition only gathered 6,300 signatures (and at least one duplicate I noticed).  Most of these guys still don’t seem to believe that the developers actually decided on this change on their own…


and they’re probably all going to buy the game anyway:


I can’t imagine why the developers may choose to try to appeal to people outside of this demographic… oh wait, I can.

– wincenworks