Back to addressing some stuff that accumulated over the last month!
As always, please don’t submit (or tag us under) content that isn’t credited and can’t be easily traced back to its author(s).
It should REALLY not need to be said at this point, but bikini armor or otherwise sexualized female outfits are the absolute opposite of a costume that enhances the wearer’s mobility. That’s the kind of nonsense that gave us the Female Armor Rhetoric Bingo in the first place.

If that was actually the case, you’d think there would be more museums showcasing metal speedo armor.
Check out this sweet redesign of the mushroom lady who previously had a serious case of suspicious dimorphism (which we posted before) by @deliciousboondollarsandwich!
Things we posted before:
- Costumes by female vs. male designers in superhero comic adaptations.
- Harley Quinn edits by @vagabond-art & @chokit-pyrus (+ our further commentary regarding the absurd notion of her sexuality justifying the original costumes).
~Ozzie, -wincenworks, & -Icy