If anyone needed proof Suicide Squad was made by two eighth grade boys stacked in a trenchcoat.
Here’s what David Ayer, the writer/director of The Suicide Squad, has to say about how Harley Quinn is going to be presented in the movie:
“She’s freaking cool, and she represents so many dichotomies in today’s world where everything is sensitive, and you can’t talk about anything, and you can’t represent anything, and you can’t do anything… she doesn’t care. She transcends everything. And that’s what’s so fascinating about her, you know? She’s so many things, and such a powerful woman who’s living life on her own terms, and so honestly in the moment, and a person of this incredible joy in the moment.”
So yeah, basically if someone objects to how boringly sexualized Harley seems to be: Well, she chooses generic sexyness, cause she doesn’t care and neither people who wrote her!
What’s with professional media creators (especially ones related to superhero comics) and the claims that “everyone’s [too] sensitive/outraged/politically correct/easily offended” right now?
Seems like “because I want to upset the SJWs/PC police” becomes a new trendy rhetoric to justify “creative freedom”.
I mean, guess that’s more genuine attitude than “Amazons in boobplates are authentic and appealing to women”… Though I don’t see why either open spite or blatant lies should be accepted as explanations for objectifying female characters, especially such interesting and multifaceted ones as Harleen Quinzel.
It’s not like her original incarnation, from a cartoon aimed at kids, shyed away from making (not so) sneaky sex references:

Not to mention how open Harley’s origin story (later turned into an episode), Mad Love, was about her sexuality:

How is it that those newer, gritty “adult” versions give up any subtlety and decide it’s better to make her sexy 24/7?