Webwitch is a truly bizarre title in that while it has variant covers that are blatantly sexually explicit, it also seems to want to market on a very “not porn”. It’s being published by Boundless Comics, the guys who currently publish Lady Death and Belladonna. This particularly one didn’t have any brand recognition, so needed funding via a (very NSFW) Kickstarter (contains blood and gore as well as nudity and sexual content).
Further complicating things is that this particular cover was done by Juan Jose Ryp, who works in both mainstream and erotic comics.
None of this confusion, however, explains this outfit, which is staggeringly impractical even in comparison to the stuff we normally feature. Not only does it appear incredibly uncomfortable, but I can’t even fathom by what means she moves enough of it to make use of the bathroom.
It’s outstanding, in a super terrible way, and an outfit that wouldn’t even make sense if this way just trying to be porn.

– wincenworks