There are rumors Princess Leia’s Return of the Jedi bikini costume is being “retired.”

There are rumors Princess Leia’s Return of the Jedi bikini costume is being “retired.”

So this rumor has been circulating wildly and creating a lot of discussion, and we weren’t really jumping on it simply for the fact that the gold bikini of Leia the Huttslayer is not even vaguely armor.

However, this happened:


Yes, J Scott Campbell is deeply concerned that he will no longer get paid to draw sexy Leia. Why?

Because despite being an artist in the comics industry for nearly as long as Daisy Ridley (who’ll be playing the female lead in the upcoming movie) has been alive, he still can’t draw any woman any way that’s not hypersexualized. That’s it, his whole bag of tricks he’s acquired from twenty-two years of working as a professional artist in comics and merchandise.


So I’m not going to shed any tears for yet another tacky statue of Leia in a deliberately degrading costumes that she was forced into against her will (yet so often depicted as posing like a pinup model). 


I’m going to first cry for all the great comic projects that might have been but were cast aside in favor of yet another J Scott Campbell pin-up.  That and all the comics that were never read because the editor hired J Scott Campbell to present them as softcore porn (especially in cover art).

If the rumor is true and Disney is stopping this kind of production, it’s worth celebrating simply because it signals a decades overdue change: Companies considering that maybe tacky hypersexualized imagery doesn’t sell everything.

Maybe compelling plots, great storytelling and interesting characters do.

– wincenworks

As a side note, even if Disney officially announces “ban” on licensing Slave Leia merch, it won’t all be gone overnight. Let’s not act as if we didn’t have a surplus of official Star Wars bikini products for over 30 years. 

Maybe, just maybe, realize for once that it’s time that demand for different depictions of Leia was met. Because many of her fans can testify how hard to get that sort of merch always was compared to slave-themed ones.
Disney’s push to restore Leia’s image as something else than sexual object should be welcomed.

And if you ever need new post-ban slave-kini products, fanart and bootlegs will always be around. Or, you know, you can stop complaining and make one yourself 😉


(h/t: @catawampuscreations)

more on Star Wars | more on princess Leia Organa | more on J. Scott Campbell

There are rumors Princess Leia’s Return of the Jedi bikini costume is being “retired.”

There are rumors Princess Leia’s Return of the Jedi bikini costume is being “retired.”



So a friend recently asked me what I thought about this outfit:

I said that I dont understand the panties or the thigh-highs, or why she has random skin windows, or why she seems to have better protection on her forearms than her vitals, but aesthetically it’s nice.

What do you think?

When it comes to “reasoning” behind the costume’s skimpyness and random holes, I suppose the trite “Tamaraneans are solar powered” excuse is still canon. And still bullshit, as long as Star’s fellow solar-powered alien Superman doesn’t dress like this. Or that. Or THAT.

As far as official Starfire outfits go, this is maybe the second (non-cartoon) one I recall that actually looks wearable, which is a big plus, considering the alternatives:


Guess my standards for this character’s look are just ridiculously lowered at this point, but I really do think that new outfit is an improvement and hope Starfire doesn’t revert to some sort of impossi-bikini anytime soon.


more Starfire on BABD | more superheroes on BABD



So a friend recently asked me what I thought about this outfit:

I said that I dont understand the panties or the thigh-highs, or why she has random skin windows, or why she seems to have better protection on her forearms than her vitals, but aesthetically it’s nice.

What do you think?

When it comes to “reasoning” behind the costume’s skimpyness and random holes, I suppose the trite “Tamaraneans are solar powered” excuse is still canon. And still bullshit, as long as Star’s fellow solar-powered alien Superman doesn’t dress like this. Or that. Or THAT.

As far as official Starfire outfits go, this is maybe the second (non-cartoon) one I recall that actually looks wearable, which is a big plus, considering the alternatives:


Guess my standards for this character’s look are just ridiculously lowered at this point, but I really do think that new outfit is an improvement and hope Starfire doesn’t revert to some sort of impossi-bikini anytime soon.


more Starfire on BABD | more superheroes on BABD

@2goldensnitches submitted:

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright isn’t a combat game but I’m disclosing that it has some of my favourite storylines and character designs from all the games I’ve ever played. That being said, there’s one woman in particular: 


Her English name is Foxy, and she is the only female member of a group of knights guarding Labyrinthia’s clock tower. She is depicted as a vain and rather spoiled woman who is much more concerned about her hair staying bouncy and her steel stilettos not getting muddy instead of her guard duties with the Vigilantes. She has two male groupies whose names are Servius and Treddon – in-game you even a demonstration of a footprint of hers on the back of his armour. 

It’s a shame because the standard knight’s armour looks pretty cool.


But I guess they decided on a Certain Amount of In-Game Sexiness…and this was way after a character named Olivia Aldente explained and justified her midriff baring chef’s uniform despite handling sharp knives and boiling water in the kitchen. 

It’s particularly disappointing not just for the adherence to painfully sexist tropes but because ornamental armor can actually be really amazing.

Why would anyone want to wear an ugly boobplate bikini when they would parade around in a work of art?

– wincenworks

@2goldensnitches submitted:

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright isn’t a combat game but I’m disclosing that it has some of my favourite storylines and character designs from all the games I’ve ever played. That being said, there’s one woman in particular: 


Her English name is Foxy, and she is the only female member of a group of knights guarding Labyrinthia’s clock tower. She is depicted as a vain and rather spoiled woman who is much more concerned about her hair staying bouncy and her steel stilettos not getting muddy instead of her guard duties with the Vigilantes. She has two male groupies whose names are Servius and Treddon – in-game you even a demonstration of a footprint of hers on the back of his armour. 

It’s a shame because the standard knight’s armour looks pretty cool.


But I guess they decided on a Certain Amount of In-Game Sexiness…and this was way after a character named Olivia Aldente explained and justified her midriff baring chef’s uniform despite handling sharp knives and boiling water in the kitchen. 

It’s particularly disappointing not just for the adherence to painfully sexist tropes but because ornamental armor can actually be really amazing.

Why would anyone want to wear an ugly boobplate bikini when they would parade around in a work of art?

– wincenworks