Casual reminder that Female Armor Bingo merchandise is available on society6!

And right now, till July 13, 2014 at Midnight Pacific Time, you get FREE Worldwide Shipping + $5 Off New Biker Tanks (first pic) if you follow THIS LINK to my shop!*

There’s also another design of mine available and if you like some other original artwork from my deviantArt gallery and want it put on a piece of apparel/gadget, ask away in dA notes or in the askbox of my personal blog, ozziescribbler and I’ll do my best to add it to the shop before promotion ends 🙂


*Offer excludes Framed Art Prints, Stretched Canvases, Throw Pillows with inserts and Rugs.

PS: Thanks to everyone who purchased Bingo merch during the previous promotions, if any of you guys happen to have pics of the items you bought, I would love to see them (and, if you agree, reblog/publish them here, so everyone can see if they’re worth their price :D)!