Speaking of Wonder Woman and professional comic industry artists who actually are her genuine fans, it’s a perfect opportunity to give a shout-out to how Stjepan Sejic depicts her.

Above here, we have not one, not two, but FOUR alternative designs of body-covering armor for Diana; each of them very distinct, while still paying tribute to her traditional costume’s elements. 
Big thanks to filipfatalattractionrblog​ of hellyeahteensuperheroes for referencing those in a reblog from us.

THIS is what I meant on my personal by saying that the new official costume doesn’t really challenge anything and its only change compared to the previous design is the spoulders and a jumpsuit unbeneath. 
There are infinite ways to redesign fictional fashion, and when a new design just a superficial fix, it is okay to criticize… as long as you know what you’re talking about, *ahem*JScottCampbell*ahem* >_>

Also worth noting how Mr Sejic usually portrays Wonder Woman’s body. Even in a classic strapless costume, her figure reads as one of an Amazon warrior: tall, bulky and muscular.


As we mentioned before, nebezial is also notable for having a good sense of humor and self-awareness of how the industry treats female characters. It’s no different in case of Diana:


F#$%ing Photoshop indeed.


Stjepan Sejic on: BABD | Tumblr: nebezial-asheri 
more positive examples | more Wonder Woman | more costume design

princesses grow up… by nebezial
style test- wonderwoman+ video by nebezial
sure…now redraw her on every panel XD by nebezial 
holy crap its captain wonderwoman by nebezial
just wondering…splurt….bwahahahahahahahahah by nebezial
there was a joke here…i killed it! by nebezial

J Scott Campbell And Wonder Woman’s New Shoulder Pads

J Scott Campbell And Wonder Woman’s New Shoulder Pads

So, J. Scott Campbell joins the oh-so-honorable club of questionable artists who decided to speak up and thus proved how their attitude is just as sleazy as their art. He can take the place next to our friend Thierry “Save the Boobplate” Van Gyseghem and Tony “Fake Geek Girl” Harris in the lounge.

Campbell, a man who can’t for the life of his draw a woman outside of his incredibly narrow (and anatomically dubious) comfort zone…


…and who by default turns every female action pose into a contorted pinup…


[x] [x] [x] [x]

…he, out of all people, apparently takes issue with the new, more covering, Wonder Woman costume and feels qualified to criticize it.
His “arguments” against it include, but are not limited to:

  • she is not a Taliban, so she should not cover her body 
  • shoulderpads are inherently unfeminine and that is a big deal 
  • “political correctness by a commitee” cause “everyone is afraid of everything these days”

Wow, casual islamophobia, gender essentialism and opposing to better representation in media just for the sake of being opposed… such a compelling critique!

And that’s not all! Apparently, according to J. Scott, THIS is how Wondy is SUPPOSED to be redesigned:


Guess by “redesign” he merely meant “every generic Wonder Woman costume ever slapped on every generic J. Scott Campbell-style melted Barbie pretty girl ever”. With a dislocated hip as a bonus.

Thanks to hellyeahteensuperheroes for suggesting the links!


But J Scott Campbell is the greatest fan of Wonder Woman, look how dignified and powerful she looked that time he drew her professionally, nine years ago.


Alright, maybe that’s unfair – after all it’s really hard to to get a Wonder Woman gig – but I bet he’s a huge fan and draws fan art of her all the time.  Let’s have a look in his deviantArt gallery!


Okay, so he’ll only draw her if someone pays him to but the man runs a business kids!  He’s got bills to pay! I get he doesn’t have room in his gallery for other people’s characters or drawings of cosplayers…




– wincenworks

more about “artistic freedom” on BABD | more Wonder Woman on BABD | examples of J. Scott Campbell art on Eschergirls  | BABD on deviantArt

J Scott Campbell And Wonder Woman’s New Shoulder Pads

J Scott Campbell And Wonder Woman’s New Shoulder Pads

Why Wonder Woman Deserves More


Help me out here guys….

Okay, I may not be a huge comic book buff (yet still a huge fan!), but I’m willing to learn if there’s something I’m missing. I’ve always loved the idea of Wonder Woman – a powerful female warrioress from Ancient Greece/Amazonian culture (iirc), a Xena-like character who fights for virtue, honor, truth, all those good things. She plays with the big boys, and not only keeps up, but shows them how it’s done.

If that’s so, then…whywhyWHY is she most always shown in a skintight, strapless, pantsless, thong/swimming suit/flimsy piece of spandex???? I know she’s pretty indestructible, but do you know how HARD it is to fight in a leather corset, where there’s no straps to keep that gigantic chest in place?

It makes me VERY sad that such a famous, prominent figure of feminine power is mostly seen as a sex icon, mostly featured in sexy/escher-esque poses, wearing “clothing” that looks like it was sprayed on or hanging on with a wing and a prayer (and maybe ample amounts of superglue?), or any variation thereof? I say ‘mostly’, because I have seen some versions where she’s more practical, with pants, real armor, heck I’ll even settle for the Greek/Xena-style skirt in some versions. Bravo to those people for giving our poor warrioress some semblance of dignity.

If I understand correctly, like in the Xena universe, that is the ‘style’ of the era, the leather skirt with the bodice and shoulder armor, reminiscent of Romans and Greeks from Sparta, etc. Well okay then, give WW an outfit that actually looks/works like real armor from that period, instead of the spandex thong/corset she’s most often depicted in. Also, iirc, maybe she doesn’t wear full armor because that’s the ‘Amazon way’, IE: she’s so OP that she doesn’t need full covering. But give her SOMETHING that isn’t so obviously designed to sell sex first, and practicality last!

Spandex may be all the rage for comic books (and it’s probably easier to draw), but I’d like to direct your attention to some of these wonderful blogs for many, many more reasons why our beloved Wonder Woman deserves more than a minimal-coverage, maximum-bust corset (and why practical armor can be even more BA and gorgeous):

Unless there is a practical, logical reason why WW is nearly always shown in the aforementioned ILLOGICAL ways, let’s face it: Sex sells, and too many people are buying. And that is no excuse, because women like myself want to see our gender treated with more dignity, respect, and understanding than what is given. You know what, I’ll bet Superman is chivalrous. And so is Wonder Woman.

I challenge any WW artist to design her with something more akin to Lady Sif (from the movie version), instead of just going with the flow.

TL;DR – Wonder Woman is too freaking amazing to be treated as a sex icon. She deserves a whole heck of a lot more from us, her fans. She deserves something befitting who she is, and what she represents.

My post isn’t intended to insult anyone, I know we all have different ideas and viewpoints. I’m just expressing my own views and frustrations with society :/

/end rant (btw, I have no problem with the comic book world; check my blogs, I’m a huge nerd! But I do have a problem with how prevalent the sex industry is, especially in my fandoms! Move over boys, girls are nerds too!)

Bolding mine. I share this sentiment.

We had posts regarding both on how questionable Wonder Woman’s strapless cleavage cut is and the rare (official!) alternative designs that are more practical and/or pay tribute to ancient Greek aesthetic, unlike the iconic outfit everyone remembers most.


I really find it baffling that after sixty-four years and countless re-boots, re-designs, re-imaginings for different mediums, etc.  DC Comics keeps coming back to basically her original costume but with no skirt:


Epic creativity.

– wincenworks