Since this image got submitted to me by two readers already, I guess we can give it a shout out.
2tsun4u submitted:
I found an empowered man. ( ´∀`)
icaruslovemedley submitted:
Paco Rabanne Haute Couture Spring 1998 ooorrr.. Male battle thong!
This is equality, look how blades will glance off his fabulous banana-plate-mail. He’s fully protected and showy enough to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, and when the war is over, he can head-bang the cobwebs out of those hard to reach nooks and crannies.
DISCLAIMER: What you’ll see under the cut may burn your eyes. Click on your own responsibility.

I’d say it counts more as the male equivalent to The Abstract Art outfit than Armor Bikini, especially since it’s supposed to be Haute Couture and all…
Still have no idea what to think of it, frankly, as it doesn’t really concern the themes of this blog. It’s nice to see A MAN in absolutely ridiculous, impractical and revealing outfit for once… I guess?
Bonus points for it being real, not just a physics-defying illustration by an artist with no idea of how outfits work.