astoralexander submitted:

Hi. I hope you don’t mind me sharing my own work. I tried to make these armors as realistic/functional as my minimal knowledge on the subject allowed me to. 

Of course we don’t mind! And I love both of these pieces very much. 

I’m happy to see Ciri dressed in appropriate armor instead of a shirt that’s unbuttoned right between the boobs (even when they go to a cold place and she wears a fur cloak), and the armor design itself is very nice. [Link to original post with close-ups!] I like that you can see the layering in the gaps. It’s a bit too symmetrical for me, but that’s more of a personal preference than anything.

As for the second piece, that could practically be used as a poster to recruit monster-slayers in a fantasy universe! It’s quite awe-inspiring, and I love your entire line of Classic Arcade Girls.

Thanks for the submission, and keep doing great work!


@springdragonfly15 submitted:

It’s time for Camilla from Fire Emblem to make another appearance.

She is given a promoted class in Fire Emblem Warriors with more cleavage. Apparently, she can be sexualized more, complete with “my eyes are up here.” Though unlike Fire Emblem Fates, she does remember to bring her axe and wyvern to her cut scenes in Fire Emblem Warriors, so silver lining.

Oh Camilla,.. it’s kind of amazing how much has and hasn’t changed since the last time you were given a bingo card.  Mostly it just seems a few squares like Bared Belly have become ambiguous and more boob straps have been added.

They’ve also somehow managed to lean into the armor as sexy lingerie and remind you, in case you somehow forgot, that she has big boobs:

Her intro video also makes it far, far too clear to us that in her default (not bingo’d here) outfit she is not wearing a thong.  I mean, I know it’s on the bingo card… but that level of clarity was really not necessary.

– wincenworks


ihearducksaregoingquackers submitted:

This is from a real video game called “Riders of Icarus” and this is what you see during the character select screen. Viewable on many Riders of Icarus review videos that go through character selection screens. These images were obtained from

Not only is the double standard very apparent, it’s also extremely inconsistent as well (and of course, 100% illogical because why would a woman wearing full plate reveal MORE than the assassin class??? On top of the, you know, why reveal anything dilemma).

Also, literal bikini armour. LITERAL bikini armour. I can’t…

(Order of classes from top to bottom in captions:


Assassin, Priest, Wizard, Berserker.)

This is the textbookiest of texbook examples of double standard in armor we’ve seen in ages. Amazingly creative


I remember how Riders of Icarus released it’s trailer it almost looked like it wasn’t going to this nonsense… for a literal minute.

You have to love their commitment to the novel idea of wings combing out of the lower legs… then going with the most generically awful female costumes…. short skirts don’t really seem compatible with dragon riding.

For bonus points, this is the first female character you’ll come across on their site if you scroll down through the promo images from the top:


– wincenworks

iiphides submitted:

Found in a pop up while I was trying to watch something. 

Plus bingo cards! The gal on the left is the green board, while the right is purple.

Wow are those extremely awful (with @eschergirls​ anatomy on the left one, to boot!), I’d say your scores are very lenient.
Sorry to do a rare bingo correction, but those two are SO over the top physically impossible and ultrasexualized I think they deserve cards as fully crossed out as possible: 


(Also, I’m using the most recent bingo card design (1.2), we grew quite tired of the “No underwear” square and discussions on what it means)


Okay, so the left one, with her “Hot Chick With a Sword” aesthetic has a pretense of being a warrior. What the other one’s supposed to be, aside from, well… 


…a sorceress? …a cleric? …a double sided tape commercial cleverly disguised as a burlesque strip tease?


This game’s apparently supposed to be a “Greek Mythology Browser Game.” I don’t think it’s physically possible to squint hard enough to make that come across in any way.

Also, is it just me, or do those 2 ladies look like they were made for 2 different art styles? Not to mention, this “promotional material” is orders of magnitude more shameless about the sexy girls than any other art on their website.


Although the “clothes” are still as confusing, so… at least that’s consistent?? 


edit: Readers informed us that art in that web art is stolen. Surprising no-one, game with porny marketing is an asset stealer.

6 RPG Tropes That Need to Die

Dorkly again parodying some obvious absurdities of bikini armors (like double standards and skimpy high level) in fantasy/RPGs… twice in the same comic 🙂 

We always enjoy when skimpy female armor lands on a list of things that games should get rid of once and for all

And, of course, just like in the case of that video list, we recommend steering clear of the comment section, where “Stop complaining about female armors because I like them therefore there’s nothing wrong with them!” dumpster fires are burning.


ridingthewavesofstorms submitted:  

From Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the character Tsuki, sadly designed by a woman: Risa Ebata. (Source.)


Judging by that last picture… is she related to Haydee

Seriously though, a couple readers let us know about problems with female designs in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, especially this character, Dahlia/Tsuki. 
And in all frankness, what i saw of her already made me legitimately fear doing any further research. 

Her feet alone make me feel like retracting all the things I said about Fran’s stupid, stupid “I totally need high heels because bunny-person” feet… things I still stand by!

I recommend filtering the experience by reading this Dorkly article, which quotes quite a few good jokes and/or comments about the game’s problems with women characters.


She has rabbit high heels??


I’ve seen a few members of a key demographic claiming the image is PhotoShopped… strangely none of them can provide an image that disproves it… just other terrible images of her in different poses.

– wincenworks