Here’s my empowering warrior armor for Magic Meat March! Got it done just in time! I made the whole get-up out of leather, save for the shoes and the prop dagger. I just went to town this week with the strap cutter and the rivets.
It’s got a jointed spaulder for the shoulder, held in place by an asymmetric harness, zig-zagging down to a supple pouch to hold the necessaries comfortably in place. Onto this attaches a cuisse to guard the thigh.
Then there’s some accessory pieces: A thigh piece made of three panels laced together; an arm band with shearling trim for warmth; and a corset-like bracer to protect the wrist and forearm. Oh, and there’s that mass of straps for the left arm. I’m not even sure what that’s supposed to be for.
If I’d had a bit more time I was planning on adding more fur trim to the other pieces, but since it’s spring time now I don’t think that’s necessary. Wouldn’t want to overheat, after all. That extra padding would just get in the way during a battle anyway.
Now that is some fine craftsmanship and pure real-life male empowerment!
Not only that, the design is so on-point! Love how the straps zig-zag across the model’s torso, with pauldron and codpiece/thong as the pivotal leverage points.
Thank you, @armoreddragon, for joining the ranks of confident men ready to show us what real armor equality looks like!
Magic Meat Week Day 1: Fantasy
Starting it off with your typical fighter who’s ready to swing his big sword at all his enemies! Oh and use his blade too I guess
Look at that sharp armor! It says so much about him and his and backstory. Those colors and shapes are obviously alluding to his fiery personality. I really love that thong of his that doesn’t have straps. Clearly, this fighter is a Machiavellian, only wearing what is absolutely necessary, and not bothering with frivolities like a shirt, or pants, or even garters! And with a sword like that, how can he be expected to wear plate or chainmail, let alone clothes? They would only hinder his movements.
Excellent job creating a unique and deep character!
Magic Meat March (March 1st- March 31st)
Magic Meat March (March 1st- March 31st)

Magic Meat Week is reformatting into a month-long challenge (with a theme for every day of March). We encourage all artistically inclined fans to participate and give male empowerment a shot!
Though, as @magicmeatmarch publishes essentially every submission to its tag, we encourage all artists to be aware of potential transphobia of jokingly putting masculine characters in feminine-coded costumes and makeup. Please always be sure to not frame the humor of reversing sexualization as “that’s funny, because he looks girly”.
While is hard to draw the line, we also encourage anyone entering to remember that as terrible as costumes for female characters often are, they generally don’t include explicit material like brazenly exposed genitalia (outside of hardcore porn). Please keep that in mind when satirizing them!
~Ozzie & – wincenworks
(h/t: @sourshock)