tidecullernami submitted (and Icy bingo’ed):

speaking of tharja/rhajat and how they’re being handled in fe:h?? uh…

i’ll leave it to you guys


Thank you, I think. I don’t know what I was expecting from Fire Emblem Heroes, but it was a little better than… whatever this is. I mean, Christmas is the perfect time to wear your fur-lined bikini! A person who grew up in a desert country will totally not freeze her butt off in that!

I don’t know about you guys, but I prefer characters to stay in-character even through holiday events. Especially with a grouchy, anti-social character like Tharja, there’s so much comedy potential! Like, if she was instead forced into a cheap reindeer onesie, so she would just be sulking, trying to hide her shame in the hoodie.


[Pictured: Tharja regretting some life choices]

But of course, that would require that they don’t just use her as a pinup, and we can’t have that.


cantankerouskaputnik submitted:

Can’t believe nobody has submitted this guy yet – meet Warrior of the Rabbit from Juuni Taisen (official design). It’s a fun currently running anime, too bad they didn’t spice things up further by adding some reasonably-dressed women. 

(Anyone looking up Juuni Taisen keep in mind that it’s a brutal battle royale-type series that should come with content warning for violence and gore)

Now THAT, unlike the monstrosity from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, is a sexy rabbit everyone was waiting for! Just an unironic male equivalent of the Playboy Bunny outfit and muscular masculine body (those thunder thighs!). 

Indeed, too bad the creators just couldn’t stop but generically sexualize female characters :-/ Because pairing up violent subject matter with objectification is such a good and creative idea, right?


[left to right: Tiger, Monkey, Rooster, Boar]

I’m most disappointed by Monkey’s pantlessness and the shameless emphasis on Boar’s breasts. So close to decent designs, yet so far.


At least one other character in the anime, the Warrior of the Rat, dons a lovely classic Battle Thong!


He also seems to have been designed through this method.

Though he would have been better off without all that bothersome black underclothing. Truly, a missed opportunity.


ridingthewavesofstorms submitted:  

From Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the character Tsuki, sadly designed by a woman: Risa Ebata. (Source.)


Judging by that last picture… is she related to Haydee

Seriously though, a couple readers let us know about problems with female designs in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, especially this character, Dahlia/Tsuki. 
And in all frankness, what i saw of her already made me legitimately fear doing any further research. 

Her feet alone make me feel like retracting all the things I said about Fran’s stupid, stupid “I totally need high heels because bunny-person” feet… things I still stand by!

I recommend filtering the experience by reading this Dorkly article, which quotes quite a few good jokes and/or comments about the game’s problems with women characters.


She has rabbit high heels??


I’ve seen a few members of a key demographic claiming the image is PhotoShopped… strangely none of them can provide an image that disproves it… just other terrible images of her in different poses.

– wincenworks

Fire Emblem Heroes has already been getting some flack for their uninspired character design, and this is a good comparison of the changes made to Rhajat for Heroes. Her original design still has problems, primarily the nylon tech this fantasy country seems to have, but the new version (named Virghat) is just so much worse. From the wiki entry on Rhajat:

…It is revealed that her cold personality is a means to mask her loneliness due to being raised in the Deeprealms by herself.

I’d believe that description, given that this was her sprite in Fates:


She’s hunched over, her eyes are in shadow, and her arms are in front of and around herself protectively. But the Heroes design and posture? All I’m getting from it, is generic poker-faced cute caster. 

Oh, and of course, there’s a damage sprite, as mentioned in the comparison image.





h/t: thekaizaverse


2goldensnitches submitted (and Ozzie bingo’d):

Loki from Fire Emblem Heroes. I don’t even know how to describe this. 

Remember that Fire Emblem costume seemingly designed with random lasso tool movements followed by CTRL + X? Yeah, that’s hers. 

Somehow the whole thing is even worse than any individual part of it. And every part is awful. So I figured she might be in a need of a bingo.

Also thanks to other readers who let us know this character’s name. 
