Repeat after me, kids:

There is no reason to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

There is no reason to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

There is no reason to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

  • There is NO REASON to design jet shoes as 4-inch heels.

Think for a moment before you jump in to argue that the heels are justified with the fire launchers inside.

Cause you’re making yourself look silly. Sillier than a 6’3’’ space bounty hunter running around in sky-high heels; and that’s saying something.

Those shoes could literally look like whatever and still serve the same function for the gameplay!

Also: their color scheme clashes awfully with the rest of zero suit.


Also, briefly, let’s consider the visual language of the Metroid franchise and particularly the character Samus prior to the ugly heels event.  

This is a jetpack (x):


These are space jump boots (x): 


This is a missile attack (x):


These are the “Jet boots” (x):


One of these things is not like the other,
One of these things just doesn’t belong!

– wincenworks

edit: a reader left some commentary worth sharing:

sianea replied to your post: Repeat after me, kids:

Not to mention that those ain’t even boots, it looks like just attached heels. There’s nothing there that suggests to me that those are full shoes and not just some bits strapped onto her suit like some sort of bizarre addition.


yeah but, cartoon women, any drawn women, aren’t wearing those skimpy and sexual clothes out of choice, they’re wearing it because someone drew them that way, normally for a reason. so so don’t go “oh maybe she chooses to fight crime in a bikini and high heels” bc a man sat at a desk and decided she was gunna wear those clothes, for a reason, for the audience or his gaze. so no, its not slut shaming, its creepy man shaming

*applause* A point that sadly needs to be constantly reiterated.
I’ve been saying exactly this for a long time now!

Bolded by yours truly.

High heel nightmares


You know, I seriously wish that 3D clothing designers would stop making “fantasy” outfits with ridiculous high heeled boots. I can’t count the number of really cool female fantasy costumes I’ve NOT put on my 3D model wish list because of that. If they’d at least have a second, low-heeled boot with the set, I’d be more willing to shell out for it. But having to dig through my archives to find bits and pieces to make up for the lack in proper foot wear really annoys me. And what the hell is up with making female armor with her vitals and major artery bearing tender bits exposed? I always have to do some second skin textures or layer something under to keep female armored characters from looking just stupid. I’m sorry, I like to make female warrior characters who can kick your ass in their spiffy protective armor and don’t have to rely on the cheesy “titties set to stun” method you assume they must be using in so much fantasy art. :-p