drkory submitted:
Screenshots of my character in Skyforge. In this game there is no armor but costumes, I’ve taken screenshots of some examples. The first one is the least skimpy although it has boobplate. All available costumes come with high heels. The last one is leaving me speechless especially because of the fact that this game takes pride in “boobs jiggle physics”. It’s hard to believe how someone can fight in that thing without their jelly boobs jiggling out.
There are many videos on Youtube where you can see how the physics work, here is one where you can also see a few male character models and the double standard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZJ5sKsQ0_k
Oh Skyforge, will you never stop finding new an exciting ways to combine elements of different genres together while still implementing horrifying ideas on female armor and double standards?
No, seriously will you? Because the amount of work being invested in being terrible is kind of astonishing.
– wincenworks
whereismywizardhat submitted:
If you were wondering what Konami has been doing with all those video game IPs since setting their games department on fire, here we are.
This is what Konami is subjecting their staff to Orwellian conditions in order to protect? Wait! EROTIC VIOLENCE is actually it’s tagline!? For a PACHINKO MACHINE!?
That’s it! I’m leaving! I’m going somewhere nicer.

– wincenworks