making edits that actually reflect equality of presentation between the two byleths in fire emblem three houses because i think the official outfits are a fucking farce
we could have bad bad ass f!byleth instead of dressed in the dark in a hot topic byleth jesus
@shattered-earth, who contributed some really great stuff in our redesign tag (among others), never disappoints. Unlike Fire Emblem, which is always eager to indulge in blatant double standards, male-gazey female costumes and general creepyness (like the jailbait dragon).
It seems like the designers thought the lack of pants between male and female version of FE Fates protagonist, Corrin, was too subtle and went “Hold my beer!” for the next game.
Glad to see @costumecommunityservice‘s method of leveling the playing field in male/female design comparison employed. We just introduced a new tag for post that use it: costume gender exchange.
I just wish this here dude redesign was pantless too.
Throwing in original versions next to one another, for the reference.

Who the hell approved that as equal? Oh wait, we know who.
h/t: Spag