

Have you ever wondered how chain mail would feel against your skin on a cold winter’s day?

Duh. Who hasn’t?

Plenty of people haven’t. Particularly costume/character designers who think that chainmail is somewhere between latex and bodypaint in terms of thickness.

They’d probably get along with whoever wrote the quoted sentence and ended up in the slush pile.


Given how often skin tight chainmail has made me cringe at that very thought, I am still amazed someone actually though this was a great way to pitch a book to anyone, let alone a literary agent.

– wincenworks

Oh I’m in awe all right (NSFW Link)

Oh I’m in awe all right (NSFW Link)

Oh I’m in awe all right (NSFW Link)

Oh I’m in awe all right (NSFW Link)

salsathegeek submitted:

I stumbled across this in a search for some images to use for tokens in a PBP Pathfinder game. Needless to say, when I saw the title of the stock photo, I thought my eyes would roll out of my head. I’m linking it instead of posting the preview pic because the image is pretty much porn in all but name. (If it’s intent is to solely elicit sexual arousal, it qualifies in my opinion, and theres no way whoever set this up didn’t have that as priority numero uno.)

Anyway, I’m going to get back to looking for an image I can use to represent a young hellknight in training.

Well this certainly beats the super perky boobplate we found on Shutterstock before.

And there I was thinking that stock photo libraries were supposed to title and tag their resources in the most precise and truthful way possible, so that people can, you know, easily find the kind of image they’re looking for.

How foolish of me to assume such thing.


Putting the image (titled

“Awesome young woman in ancient armor on grey background”)  under the cut, for the record:




Dragon Quest IX vocation appreciation : from warrior to gladiator

lol warrior bikiniarmorbattledamage

Judging by the warrior class costume design, apparently the “feminine” equivalent to a knee-long chainmail chirt, proper gambeson and fully-covering pants is… an itty-bitty midriff-baring chainmail boobplate top and a bikini bottom with a random piece of chainmail covering the butt.

It’s kinda sad how in comparison, the gladiators look considerably equal, even though the female one shows her belly and knees for no reason. And wears half a boobplate that really shouldn’t hold up with a few randomly placed straps.
