Why do I have a feeling this sentence makes just as little sense in the context as it does taken out of it?


A few people claim that Bikini Warriors is critical and makes fun of bikini armor, however based off the various screencaps like this that I’ve seen… it appears it’s more the standard issue “invent women who like bikini armor, ridicule and objectify those fictional women”.

So basically rather than just admitting that it’s softcore porn, they want to pretend it has an important message – that it and everything like it is terrible, but that’s the fault of fictional women who by definition lack agency.

– wincenworks

Given Hideo Kojima’s tendency for wildly excessive verbosity in his convoluted (and sometimes self contradictory) dialogues – I’m kind of eager to see how many squares of the Rhetoric Bingo it ticks off.   Will it be all of them?  Only the release of the game will tell!

– winceworks

The thing is, we never doubted that there will be AN explanation for Quiet’s costume (Kojima claims about it wouldn’t let us forget). We just KNOW it will be… “uh, strange”, as the journalist above diplomatically puts it.

That design, as any bikini warrior garb, is simply too inherently silly to justify.


More Quiet on BABD | More Rhetoric on BABD