@starplatinipples submitted:
I saw an ad on Tumblr for another battle MMO…and I was actually pleasantly surprised with most of the costume choices. While there are some ladies in impractical armor, there are also men who are clearly designed to appeal to a female audience.
I’m really not sure how long it’s going to take for the humanity to get over this idea that “MEN = MUSCLES! WOMEN=BEWBZ!” but it really can’t happen soon enough.
But, pro-tip:
If this is the best copy your marketing guys can come up with – get better marketing guys.
– wincenworks
So, it seems the line of games that pitch themselves as icons of double standards with bikini armor that you don’t actually have to play (hurray?) we have Dungeon Rush… which seems an odd name for a game where the primary mechanic is wait.
Also I can’t be the only one who sees tiny throwing knives like that and immediately puzzles over whether they’re poisoned or not…
– wincenworks
It’s not really clear what heroes defy, but so far it seems to be Blizzard’s claim that they’re trying to represent female characters better.
Honestly, with all the appeal that Heroes of the Storm has going for it, if this was the best campaign their marketing people could think up then they should probably find a new agency.
– wincenworks
@thetaleofthedragonage submitted:
Look at these. Please, just look. This is ridiculous.
Worst part is that not only does this go with @eschergirls proportions and the weirdest looking wolf ever drawn (seriously, it’s like they google “bad taxidermy” to get reference images) but this is actually not their worst design. I present to you, the “Dragon Lady” hero who is “tank”:
Not only does she have nipple armor, but she seems to have armor that forces her to maintain that weird and painful looking posture. In fact most of the female characters out of their totally original, not lazy rip offs at all, line up seem to be stuck in this pose and have their gear designed around it.
So basically they made a horror game without realizing it.
– wincenworks