

It’s bad enough when a sci-fi setting has all the ladies wearing painted-on tights so snug that you can see all the way up their respective buttcracks, but then they go and do it with the armour, too.

Like, it’s armour.

It’s a solid chunk of heavy, rigid material.

How does that work?

How do you walk with a pair of inflexible domes tightly cupping your glutes?

Hell, how do you even stand when you’ve got a quarter-inch durasteel plate wedged so far up your ass you’re tasting metal?

Makes no sense.


While we’re certain skin-tight metal butt armor happens a lot in media (battle thong is by far more popular), the best, most literal examples of it from our blog were those chafiest short shorts ever:


And this full body atrocity (whole thing is arguably NSFW, open link at own risk):


We can also infer from some frontal images when a design probably includes a butt vacuum-sealed in metal, just like it has boobplate/metal boobsocks:


[x] [x]

That said, butts or no butts, armor so snug it looks like shiny bodypaint/metal spandex is a blight on costume design that should be stopped.


League of Angels 2 is very determined to keep their armor design strictly in the “Elaborately generic metal lingerie” category. So determined to never do anything even remotely original they can’t even score a proper bingo this time.


@parrotbeak submitted:

Came across this. It’s a game by the names of The Witches and Eternal Light, cancelled in 2011 when the company behind it (Revistronic; normally into racing and adventure games) went out of business. I’m almost impressed the empowerment doesn’t include high heels.

Apparently they somehow managed to spend six years working on this (only stopping because the studio shut down) without ever asking themselves what were they doing.

Half the time they seem to understand that these outfits are designed purely for sexy times and a major liability in combat – hence why the women look terrified in so many shots.

The other half the time they seem to think that so long as it looks like they get some badass moments then it’ll all work out.   Not because of character development or a surprise to the audience, but just because well they need something for gameplay right?

It’s really quite amazing how trivial these games seem to think details like “what’s the core experience” or “what are the defining traits of the main character?” are when they just write “boobs” as every answer.

– wincenworks 

What’s up with the constant porn-like panting?

If that’s supposed to be all in-game footage*, does it mean the player has to hear the heavy breathing all throughout game? Or maybe they wanted that trailer to look like something entirely different from an action game, hm… Honest advertising, everyone!


*Do cinematics even count as “in-game footage”? Around 85% of that trailer was cinematic, as opposed to actual gameplay.

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