
whereismywizardhat submitted:

As excited as I am for Seven and KOS MOS teaming up in the upcoming Project X Zone 2… it really does show precisely how little Monolift Soft’s design has changed since the bad old days.

Oh KOS-MOS, the robot lady with built-in clothe-tearing mechanism, so she can shoot lasers from her chest… Still worth that special gif:


Guess it’s logical she’d only team up with someone who has at least a severe boobplate going on.

What’s particularly painful is the contrasting second part of the trailer, where the next teamup, Chrom and Lucina from Fire Emblem, sport equally practical costumes,


tidecullernami submitted:

i was on twitter when my friend shared a screencap of this boss battle (from unison league i think) and i immediately knew what must be done. the payoff was tremendous.

I sometimes wonder if a lot of designers think women have sonar and hence don’t need to be able to see out of their headgear. (We already know they seem to think women are like Achilles and are invulnerable but for a few weak points… or they seem to think that anyway)

– wincenworks

I noticed it’s almost always ANGEL women who wear sight-obstructing helmets, for some reason. 

I’m pretty sure you can find more religious texts that describe angels as eldritch abominations than underclad ladies with helmets that totally cover their eyes.


Caly submitted:

So this is a cinematic trailer for a card game called WAR 1937 that is coming out. It’s so ridiculous and silly that I can’t help but laugh and cry at the same time. How are developers still getting away with making this kind of stuff?


What did I just watch? O_o


Someone… anyone?


Wait, did someone watch Kill la Kill and think that the concept would work better if it was rendered in high definition and without the sense of goofy self awareness?

– wincenworks

(Also we’ve been informed by a number of followers that the “setting” for this game is the Nanking Massacre, an actual horrific real life event – the tastelessness just keeps on compounding)