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re: this post

angercats submitted

I agree with you 100%. They are mods, you don’t have to download them. Moders have complete freedom to create whatever they want. It doesn’t have to fit the theme. Skyrim was made to be moded, that’s why they made the Skyrim Creation Kit for users.  

But, nevertheless, that’s not going to stop me from thinking that some of these mods are downright creepy. BUT WAIT there’s more!! It’s not just female armor that’s creepy; it seems that you can download creepy armor for men, too. (They both don’t protect much heh)

I don’t really find it offensive, it’s actually funny and almost… sad? I don’t think the whole moding community is like this. There are plenty of mods that can enhance Skyrim’s beauty. 

We’re on the same page, angercats. I took the liberty of bolding the point I agree most about.
It’s just saddening how far some people can go to make their mod designs as perverted as possible, as if it added anything to the game experience.

angercats submitted:

So the other day a there was discussion about skyrim on here. And I was browsing through the steam workshop, lookin’ for some good mods and then I found this ~GEM~

There is this ~BEAUTIFUL~ mod pack called fabulous female collection that’s full of this crap. Why??? It doesn’t fit skyrim it all. It makes them all look like barbie dolls. How do they??? Kill dragons?? Om my god, I’m just laughing so hard. 

It’s actually worse on nexus. omg

To be completely honest, I can’t “hate” so much on this bikini mod as you’d probably expect me to, because exactly what it is… a mod.

Bikini Armor Battle Damage, unlike many related blogs, doesn’t have a strict policy of criticizing only ‘official’ art, but we still need to acknowledge how fan creations exist in a bit different context.

Video game mods are created for fans and by fans to enhance their experience with things they personally enjoy, be it My Little Pony skins, functional portal gun or a metal armor. Fitting with the game’s themes is optional when it comes to mods.

Last time we visited a Skyrim mod we talked about it on context of being absolutely ridiculous (spandex chainmail outfit complete with mail boobsocks and nipples poking through). That thing was trying really badly to ‘count’ as an armor atop of being objectifying, while bikinis you sent seem to be created solely for the gamer’s viewing pleasure.

I know it’s really hard to draw a line between a mod that’s there simply to look pretty and one that takes impracticality to a whole new level, so don’t hesitate to send me any example you find questionable. We can always discuss it together here.

Can we just take a second to talk about how great (most) of the armor in skyrim is? It kinda sucks that most of the armor mods in the steam workshop for female characters are really sexualized, though.

Sorry I didn’t answer earlier! Got really busy lately and tended to glance over BABD inbox without writing back :(.

Truth is, I never played Skyrim, so I really can’t comment on outfits in the game, be it for female or male characters.
But definitely agreed on mods, as this post exemplifies.

Readers, any opinions on female armors in Skyrim?

Regarding my pic for the ‘spandex chainmail’ post, I got it from a Google image search, and I think that came from a Skyrim modding site. The scary thing is, that wasn’t the worst. There were several full torso shots showing that they had chainmail ‘camel toe’ too. And I thought the idea of a chainmail wedgie from a battle bikini was bad…

(the ask is referring to this post, of course)

That’s just… upsetting.

I don’t know if I wanna go googling for female armor ever again.

Regarding the Skyrim mods I’ve had an ask about those waiting for a while in my inbox, gonna publish it right after this post.