

Hi, I just found this blog and I think it’s the coolest thing ever. I was curious: What’s your opinion on skimpy armor being an option, but not a requirement?
For MMOs and the like, having a choice between skimpy and practical armor would be great! I should stress though that the option should be available on both genders.
For games with a set outfit, however, characters should dress in a way that fits their personalities.

Wait, that’s an intereting idea if it was also installed in battle mechanics and you could get different accomplishments for wearing different sets of armor. Sexy armor would make you esaier to be hit, but would allow to easier gain rewards for accomplishments like “belly of iron/steel/titanium” (“get hit in the stomach 20/50/100 times but continue fighting without healing”). Protective armor however would allow you to gain accomplishments like “Stop trying to hit me and hit me!” (get hit and have armor take all the damage 100 times”).

Somebody needs to make it happen. Just to have “hardcore gamers” going through every outfit possible to get all accomplihsments.

I like your way of thinking 😉

In-game accomplishments based on the kind of outfit you’re wearing sound awesome!

May I request captioned GIFs for every moment this reviewer comments on how offensively stupid designs of this game are?

 Why do you even have this giant armored robot if you’re just hang at the front of it, so everybody can see you?! (1:51 – 1:55)

By the end of this video I want to figure out what is up with that underwear. It’s not even underwear. She has, like, A TATTOO… for… underwear. What is it??? I don’t know… (2:12 – 2:25)

You know, I think I wanna put some glasses on you, so you’re AT LEAST a little bit more covered up. I’m sorry I can’t help you, really… (2:41 – 2:48)

Despite my best intentions, she’s not wearing clothes again. I tried. I tried to give her at least the glasses… No. (2:58 – 3:07)

EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME is sexualized to the max. You think you’re safe going over to this vending machine, but oh, nope, the vending machine’s showing you its ass. (6:06 – 6:15)

What is on your butt? How old are you? You just told me that I have to be level 10. You look like you’re 8… (6:22 – 6:30)

edit: updated links
edit 2 (18.08.13): updated links, again

All the mods call women ‘females’, it creeps me out

Ugh, you’re right!


Didn’t notice it before, so your comment confused me (I was worried you were referring to women commenting on this, sorry). Thanks for pointing that out, i-have-a-hunger!

Those are just disgusting :-/
Pro tip: “female” as a NOUN refers to animals, not humans (or sentient humanoids, if we’re talking about fiction). The word is “woman” and please no one ever forget that!