I won’t pretend that the excessive T&A in some games don’t irk me at times, but it does make me all the more appreciative when female armor in video games aim to be a bit more classy.
These are some of the sexiest sets I could find. They’re sexy because they’re badass, and show a female game character doesn’t need an exposed thong to kick some serious ass. I mean, she can wear whatever she wants to kick ass, but we all know we don’t always have a choice, and you can’t deny it isn’t as practical.
The one thing I love about the Bioware RPG operas is you you can play the exact same character as a male or female. Despite how monotonous DAII’s environments and questline was, I enjoyed the game (to an extent). Female Hawke armor is exactly the same as the male Hawke armor, so there’s no debate as to whether they over-sexualized fem-Hawke. Also it’s sexy as hell – look at that badass armored-claw!
I’m a big fan of the armor sets in Diablo III altogether; they really touched down on the personality of each class. The Monk has to be one of the most durable classes in the game, and their armor may be the most elegant. Again, the armor seems practical, doesn’t stray too far from the male version by adding extra boobage, and even looks comfortable!
The only other time you see Aela’s armor in a non-modded game of Skyrim is on any female draugr crawling around in acient tombs peppered around the map. It’s got this amazingly ancient style to it, and I love how she finishes the set off with some gritty warpaint. I always wondered how she stays warm on cold nights in Skyrim, but if you become a member of the Companions, you’ll find out.
I don’t think female dwarves get enough recognition as to just how unbelievably badass they are. They’re generally the lowest played races in most MMO’s, but can rock that heavy armor just as well as a male dwarf. I think the only reason I’d generally play a male dwarf over a female, is females don’t have beards. Slap a fancy, glittery beard on a fem-dwarf, and I’m good to go. High-level Ironbreaker gear in particular is so intricate and decorated, there’s no denying she looks freakin’ fabulous.
I know, I know, I love these guys. The unique thing about their cultural armor, is it’s a PART of them. There’s something so whimsical about sprouting your own armor…I had a hard time picking just one type to show off, so here’s a medley! I know some in the picture are male butwhatchugonnado?
Photo reply is on :p. What are your favourites?
I made it myself! Components include the hearts of my defeated foes!
– wincenworks
Not particularly refined design-wise, but I have just sheer appreciation for complete gender-neutrality of this armor.
That does not look like a very practical armor, not to even mention that fighting stance. It also looks like poor Valkyrie’s breasts are running away from her face.
As bad as skin-tight metal armor is, it’s even worse when the breast formed parts aren’t even in the right place! The poor girl!
It would be truly a horrific curse to be trapped in such a metal prison, unable to move or even breathe without crushing pain and mega chaffing. She can do nothing as the world’s worst archer fires arrows at unlikely angles towards her.
That is the story this cover is trying to tell right?
– wincenworks
edit: Since the image apparently was deleted from its external sever, here it is:
You know why it irks me? Because that shit ain’t practical, and hell, it doesn’t look comfortable either. Sure, it looks nice, gives the bad guys something to look at, but will it work in a fight? Will it protect the user against swords or arrows or whatever else is being thrown their way? They better goddamn hope those chain mail bikinis are enchanted with a force field, cause that’s not going to save anyone from any lethal hit.
They’re a badass and have the skills to not get hit? I call bullshit. Even the most seasoned warrior (minus the Greeks) knows better than to give an opponent any possible opening. Armor is there for a reason, and that’s to cover for you when and if you make a mistake or there’s something you cannot deflect.
Not to mention, I think having cold hunks of steel rubbing against my girl parts would be the most uncomfortable and unbearable thing ever. I hate underwire bras enough, but a bra made entirely out of steel wire? Haha, no, There is no way that would work, even for aesthetic purposes. Not to mention the chaffing in the nether regions, good god. Metal chaffs. Knights wore clothing underneath their armor and chain mail for a reason.
Oh, and just because it covers doesn’t mean it’s practical, while we’re at it.
This breastplate is a bit of an improvement, but still has major flaws. The way that it curves around each breast would direct blows inwards, closer to the heart. Armor can be pierced, and after enough hits, guess where this breastplate is most likely to be pierced? That’s right, the cleavage. That’s why armor tends to be very rounded, so blows are deflected away from vital organs and such. Makes sense? I think so, too.
What is good female armor? Any armor that men would wear, basically. Like I said, there tends to be a lot of room in the front for the girls, so there should be no problem fitting them in. Here’s some examples of good (or better) armor:
Oh, and this little jewel~
So yes, you can be a badass, feminine heroine- with the proper, practical protection on.No excuses.
A new rule of thumb:
If you wouldn’t look impressive holding a bunny, you’re not going to look impressive holding a weapon.