Angela and the layered armor (+ a cozy cardigan)
Marvel’s Angela redesign is still one of the favorite ones I streamed.
Thoughts on the original: The only real merit of this golden bikini armor is that it’s not the ‘92 Todd McFarlane design. Though amazingly, she manages to encapsulate the 90s superheroine look even more during the run of her new comic, when she gets a power upgrade!

Maybe one day we’ll get to stream fixing that winged monstrosity.
Back to the redesign, tho: My priority, given that now she’s an Asgaardian warrior, was giving Angela actual armor, with lots of layering. She got some undershirt and pants, gambeson and mail tunic (painted vaguely, so it can be either chainmail or scalemail), then on top of that a believable breastplate instead of two half-spheres that barely connect at her sternum.

I disliked her generic huge belt design, so looking for inspiration in costumes of her father, Odin, I found this custom figure with really cool belt (unfortunately, source ungooglable):

So I based Angela’s belt buckle on his, as well as on the pattern from her magical ribbon thingie. Now that I look at it, I might have also taken some shape and color cues for her breastplate and gambeson tassetts from Odin.
Other little details: got rid of the pointless butt cape, made shoes not go thigh-high (how is she supposed to bend knees in metal thigh-highs anyway?) and gave her stockier built.
I’m really satisfied with that color scheme. What’s funny is that it was already there. Each color I used was sampled from some minuscule part of her costume that was drowning in the sea of dominating gold and flesh tones.
BONUS IMAGE: a tribute to @neil-gaiman‘s post he made when the Marvel redesign got introduced, in which he hopes Angela owns a warm cardigan.

See also: those other cool redesigns @eschergirls readers did and I was unaware of while doing mine.