It’s unfortunate that I didn’t get to do the whole Magic Meat March challenge this year due to other conflicts, but I did get a few things out there and hey there‘s always next year! Here‘s an outfit upgrade!
Sexy male armor for today found on @magicmeatmarch! @sourshock illustrated quite nicely what the skimpy high level trope would look like on an empowered dude.
Bonus points for retaining the nipple modesty even after the costume upgrade! If lady nips are a no-no, why wouldn’t male ones be, right?
warning: artwork on OP’s blog extremely NSFW!
Day 4: Costume Upgrades
I’m so far behind but I still want to participate…
Exactly how it should be for all male RPG characters!
You can tell DarkAngel126 has the best armor just by how much more confidence and empowerment it projects. The special attention to displaying his nipple is such a nice touch.
Magic Meat March (March 1st- March 31st)
Magic Meat March (March 1st- March 31st)

Magic Meat Week is reformatting into a month-long challenge (with a theme for every day of March). We encourage all artistically inclined fans to participate and give male empowerment a shot!
Though, as @magicmeatmarch publishes essentially every submission to its tag, we encourage all artists to be aware of potential transphobia of jokingly putting masculine characters in feminine-coded costumes and makeup. Please always be sure to not frame the humor of reversing sexualization as “that’s funny, because he looks girly”.
While is hard to draw the line, we also encourage anyone entering to remember that as terrible as costumes for female characters often are, they generally don’t include explicit material like brazenly exposed genitalia (outside of hardcore porn). Please keep that in mind when satirizing them!
~Ozzie & – wincenworks
(h/t: @sourshock)