Okay, so I know what you’re thinking – this game that is named uncomfortably close to the female wing of the Hitler Youth but is probably aimed to capitalize on League of Angels is clearly just a cheap porn game right?

Well, based off the visuals yes… but if you were were using a screen reader you’d be forgiven for understanding it was going to be an action orientated first/third person shooter (though according to the Twitter it’s a superheroine game, and the Steam “mature content” screen says battle arena) and even though the game isn’t out their site advertises:

That and well, this is not the first time it’s appeared on BABD… in fact it’s got a little bit of a history – but it’s still not out yet.  The actual core product itself is not for sale two and a half years later.  It’s like the opposite of asset flips and shovelware yet somehow worse.

Of course, the last patch to the game was over a year ago but apparently it’s coming soon to steam and was high up on the “female protagonist” tag search.

So glad that Steam doesn’t see the need to do any manual curating. 

– wincenworks

Since in my last bingo I visited League of MaidensWonder Wo… Athena, natural next choice is Angela, I mean Persephone and her totally legit, gravity-defying spiky fetish nipple holders… I mean armor.

Now THAT is a supreme example of the kind of unironically sexist commercial design the Female Armor Bingo was made for. Which is not a good thing. At all.

It’s been a long time since we saw gravityless spiky boob things so reminiscent of the worst TERA Online has to offer.


Since League of Maidens is such a creative game*, I decided to bingo their obviously most original character, Wonder Woman, I mean Wendor Wamon, I mean Athena (wut, another one?).

Putting the question mark on No head protection, because of how small and unhelpful in fight that tiara is and on Boob window, as the straps between her boobplate and necklace do form a window of sorts.


*Even their name is totally creative, evoking similarity to League of Legends, League of Angels as well as Justice League (well, they do shamelessly ripoff DC and Marvel heroines)… Though it seems no-one in their marketing team checked what search results “League of Maidens” tends to give first. Or maybe somehow they’re just okay with being associated with Nazis, who knows?