[Pictured above: A fighter with a “Machiavellian philosophy and appearance.”]

Oh boy, it’s what I’ve been dreading when the Soul Calibur VI character releases started; another uninspired lingerie-esque outfit for Ivy


[ x5 ]


It’s so aggressively boring that the details they added, like the lace on her stockings and the cords around her sides, somehow make it even less interesting. She looks like she’s cosplaying herself. They also seem to have removed the snake motifs she had previously, and replaced them with… uhh, generic skulls, I guess? Cause that’s intimidating and not overdone at all.


[Ivy, thinking “What, you thought this was going to be a good design? Ha!” with a knowing smile]

I guess I’ll give the devs credit for giving her a boob window while also showing off about 70% of her breasts (the lace doesn’t count as covering). That’s some next-level dedication.


What is it with companies thinking that professional, Machiavellian female characters wear fetish outfits?




Speaking of fandom, just blocked a guy that was complaining about me not liking this figure.

He was complaining about how people like me always whined even when we got what we want, and that we were never satisfied and GW was buying bullied or some shit. Because apparently when you tell a guy “I want new and redesigned SoB figs to come out, without the boob armor and stupid shit and especially without the heels some art has” they hear “I want more SoB figs”.
Like no I’m sorry but at this point I’d much rather they stop making them if they’re going to do these pieces of shit. How clueless can you be making the first sororita fig in months and give it a stripper leg ?

Here’s one for @bikiniarmorbattledamage. I keep laughing like a moron just looking at this pic. The armor’s not just impractical and sexualized, it’s gaudy, kitschy, and stupid. Is that the Sisters’ strategy? To distract their opponents with how ridiculous their outfit looks? I mean, I suppose it’s hard to aim when you’re convulsing with laughter. 

Boobplate made from literal skulls and nonsensical heels is somehow a good response to all the problems women have with Sisters of Battle armor… really? That’s an… interesting place to draw the “you’re never satisfied, aren’t you?” card.

Some vocal male Warhammer 40k fans probably aren’t part of Toxic Masculinity Brigade, but I haven’t really met one yet… 

And since every time something about double standards in WH40k is referenced a tide of Twitter thread-worthy replies arises, I await them anxiously. 


PS: Apparently this design is based on an old piece of artwork… Which is a 0% valid excuse for Games Workshop to produce it now, after years of being called out on perpetuating sexist stereotypes with their figures. 



Speaking of fandom, just blocked a guy that was complaining about me not liking this figure.

He was complaining about how people like me always whined even when we got what we want, and that we were never satisfied and GW was buying bullied or some shit. Because apparently when you tell a guy “I want new and redesigned SoB figs to come out, without the boob armor and stupid shit and especially without the heels some art has” they hear “I want more SoB figs”.
Like no I’m sorry but at this point I’d much rather they stop making them if they’re going to do these pieces of shit. How clueless can you be making the first sororita fig in months and give it a stripper leg ?

Here’s one for @bikiniarmorbattledamage. I keep laughing like a moron just looking at this pic. The armor’s not just impractical and sexualized, it’s gaudy, kitschy, and stupid. Is that the Sisters’ strategy? To distract their opponents with how ridiculous their outfit looks? I mean, I suppose it’s hard to aim when you’re convulsing with laughter. 

Boobplate made from literal skulls and nonsensical heels is somehow a good response to all the problems women have with Sisters of Battle armor… really? That’s an… interesting place to draw the “you’re never satisfied, aren’t you?” card.

Some vocal male Warhammer 40k fans probably aren’t part of Toxic Masculinity Brigade, but I haven’t really met one yet… 

And since every time something about double standards in WH40k is referenced a tide of Twitter thread-worthy replies arises, I await them anxiously. 


PS: Apparently this design is based on an old piece of artwork… Which is a 0% valid excuse for Games Workshop to produce it now, after years of being called out on perpetuating sexist stereotypes with their figures. 

Star Sapphire in Justice League Doom

@avatarwill113 submitted: 

Wow. So she decided “I’m going to wear this pointless half-helmet that offers no protection, but I’m going to expose most of my upper torso, in a way which is hugely impractical for most mundane tasks let alone super-villainy”. Maybe she wants to show off her lack of bellybutton? 

Star Sapphire basically never gets a break from godawful costume. 

What upsets me the most is that animated adaptations usually veer on the safer (and less physically impossible) side of sexualized superheroine costumes (see: Angela and Dagger), thus old DC Animated Universe Star Sapphire just wore a leotard and thigh-high boots: 


The Justice League Doom one is just… ugh.


Legion of Doom, more like Legion of Skin. 

Nobody in this team has a bellybutton…

Also, apparently that purple star tattoo is where she stashed her powers. Observe.


Am I the only one weirded out by the casual way with which he just sticks his hand into another person? ( ಠ_ಠ) Not to mention, maybe put the crystal that holds all of your powers somewhere where a person can’t just grab it so easily. Then maybe she could wear a better outfit. 



Dragon Spear seems to be a new addition to the genre of generic-ass pseudo anime mobile games convinced that putting lots of boobs in them will sell better. 


So far its reach is limited to a couple countries in East and South Asia as well as Oceania. Wonder how far it’ll expand before the inevitable flop…

Let’s take a look at the full in-game screenshot this bingo comes from: 




(╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ 


You mock this game, Ozzie, but look at all the cool diverse and original classes it has to offer!


They seem to have taken artistic direction ideas from Dragon’s Crown

Did I mention the Sorceress’ breasts move during her animations? That’s how you know this is a Serious Action Game.



ihearducksaregoingquackers submitted:

This is from a real video game called “Riders of Icarus” and this is what you see during the character select screen. Viewable on many Riders of Icarus review videos that go through character selection screens. These images were obtained from https://www.tentonhammer.com/guides/riders-of-icarus-choosing-a-class

Not only is the double standard very apparent, it’s also extremely inconsistent as well (and of course, 100% illogical because why would a woman wearing full plate reveal MORE than the assassin class??? On top of the, you know, why reveal anything dilemma).

Also, literal bikini armour. LITERAL bikini armour. I can’t…

(Order of classes from top to bottom in captions:


Assassin, Priest, Wizard, Berserker.)

This is the textbookiest of texbook examples of double standard in armor we’ve seen in ages. Amazingly creative


I remember how Riders of Icarus released it’s trailer it almost looked like it wasn’t going to this nonsense… for a literal minute.

You have to love their commitment to the novel idea of wings combing out of the lower legs… then going with the most generically awful female costumes…. short skirts don’t really seem compatible with dragon riding.

For bonus points, this is the first female character you’ll come across on their site if you scroll down through the promo images from the top:


– wincenworks