Between Friends comic by Sandra Bell-Lundy (who I thank greatly for letting me publish the above excerpt)
View whole storyline here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

E submitted:

I’ve been amused by the “Hot Flash Woman” sub-plot in the Between Friends newspaper comic and thought you might get some interesting material from it. This is the simplest one to just post a link to (mod note: the second one here), with two characters debating sex-appeal vs. practicality.

Thanks for submitting! 🙂 As you said, this comic sheds some light on ever-so-handwaved ’sex-appeal vs. practicality‘ dilemma in female costume design.
And, at least in my opinion, comments how internalized “I want her to look sexy and empowered!” mindset is even by female content creators.
People just tend to focus on (relative/arbitrary) visual appeal without the second thought on how the costume would affect the character within the rules of their own world. And once it’s questioned, said rules are bent with weak excuses like ’distraction bonus’.

Also, let it be a reminder that this blog is not focused solely on female armor, but on all kinds of impractical outfits for female fighters, that includes superheroes.

May I request captioned GIFs for every moment this reviewer comments on how offensively stupid designs of this game are?

 Why do you even have this giant armored robot if you’re just hang at the front of it, so everybody can see you?! (1:51 – 1:55)

By the end of this video I want to figure out what is up with that underwear. It’s not even underwear. She has, like, A TATTOO… for… underwear. What is it??? I don’t know… (2:12 – 2:25)

You know, I think I wanna put some glasses on you, so you’re AT LEAST a little bit more covered up. I’m sorry I can’t help you, really… (2:41 – 2:48)

Despite my best intentions, she’s not wearing clothes again. I tried. I tried to give her at least the glasses… No. (2:58 – 3:07)

EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME is sexualized to the max. You think you’re safe going over to this vending machine, but oh, nope, the vending machine’s showing you its ass. (6:06 – 6:15)

What is on your butt? How old are you? You just told me that I have to be level 10. You look like you’re 8… (6:22 – 6:30)

edit: updated links
edit 2 (18.08.13): updated links, again

Evolution of a Swordsman in Ragnarok Online


danseru-kun submitted:

Ragnarok Online is a MMORPG where you can choose some job classes and level them up. I am actually not a player but this game is pretty popular in my country. Posters of this game is everywhere and I admire the style. This game features really good female outfit but the majority still falls into the sexualized category especially when you compare it to men. This is a sample:


A novice can start as a swordsman. Decent armor for the girl, feminine but tough. Equality ftw


Crusaders looking badass! One of the steps you can choose in the job tree. True warriors of the church! Yes equality for brothers and sisters!


And… then the Crusaders turn to Paladins. Aww look at how the mighty warrior discovered the truth that mini skirts are more functional and you don’t have to protect your belly. The highest class…


And from a Swordsman to a Holy Crusader to a Paladin we get the Royal Guard and… nuff said.

Man: leather clothes and boots -> more protection and boots until the highest class

Woman: leather clothes -> leader clothes with armor -> mini skirt and midriff -> bikini and stilettos (pls fix this one)

All images are official art and can be found in the sites below. The art style changed over the decade hence the inconsistency.

Poor girls had to donate most of their clothes in exchange for better weapons and shields. Now they have to run around in their underwear! ):


Mod edit: As HohenheimOL observes, not only the costumes change for worse, the illustrated character’s attitude too!


[There’s a] jarring shift in body language between the first and second half. Hell, the characters on both genders look completely different; they start out looking rough, gritty, and battle ready. Come the second half, they look like generic animu “action” protagonists.