whereismywizardhat submitted:
This is incredibly subtle

Subtle as a quiet fart in a loud room

Subtle as a rat in a sewer

Mind blowingly creative as well

So much creativity

Original as hell


I am currently screaming internally

Now, from what I could gather the publishers of this make both porn and mainstream products (apparently they do all the localisations for things like Dungeons and Dragons) and looking at this… I can’t work out which it’s supposed to be.
Apparently they were so concerned with making the generic designs so excitingly generic that they hired artists from across a spectrum of products to design the characters and seem to be pitching the story as sort of fantasy adventure.
I’m so confused…
– wincenworks
whereismywizardhat submitted:
This is incredibly subtle

Subtle as a quiet fart in a loud room

Subtle as a rat in a sewer

Mind blowingly creative as well

So much creativity

Original as hell


I am currently screaming internally

Now, from what I could gather the publishers of this make both porn and mainstream products (apparently they do all the localisations for things like Dungeons and Dragons) and looking at this… I can’t work out which it’s supposed to be.
Apparently they were so concerned with making the generic designs so excitingly generic that they hired artists from across a spectrum of products to design the characters and seem to be pitching the story as sort of fantasy adventure.
I’m so confused…
– wincenworks
leggomywaffle submitted:
Saw this cover from a post by my local comic store. This comes out on May 6th and has the description: “featuring Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, Red Sonja, Kato, Jungle Girl, and many, many more! Villains and heroes from a dozen worlds and eras face off against a legendary evil that threatens all their homelands.”
Funny how not a single woman from this various eras and worlds has ever considered wearing more than lingerie into battle. The one ladies sword has more metal than her entire set of metal “armor”!
Combined, these women almost fulfill the entire bingo card! Wow!
I was really hoping that this cover would not summarize the content of the book, which is the combining of many great heroines from the Golden Age of comics – but sadly the contents of the book do seem to send a clear message from Dynamite Entertainment: Women are only worth putting in comics if they visually coded as sex objects first:

Nostalgia has a massive influence on comics, largely because only a few creative people are involved in making them (compared with video games and movies) and most of them are specialist skill sets. This combined with general risk aversion, means that sadly none of the “big” titles are prone to challenging their old conventions.
This is particularly disappointing for Dynamite since the company only started in 2005 – but has huge gallery of golden age characters they purchased but have continued to make them generic copies of what made them so unsuccessful they were up for sale.
I mean you want to know how generic this cover is? Let’s compare it to another heroine based book J Scott Campbell was recruited to do the cover for:

So, while I want to be really excited about having a big story that is a lot of Golden Age heroines getting together, it’s really hard to do that when the art is basically reduces them all down to the same Barbie dolls with the same “How do we dodge the censors?” costume design ideas.
I love nostalgia as much as the next comic book fan – but at some point we have to ask what is the point of continuing the art if we don’t really advance it? And what is the point of doing a girl power comic if the introduction to it could be used as a textbook example of male gaze in comics?
– wincenworks
More on comic books | More on Red Sonja | more on J. Scott Campbell
As previously mentioned, Vainglory is a baffling game. However there are few design decisions ever made that are as baffling as the choice to set up dagger blade high heels on someone who’s shoes don’t have soles and who jumps from branch to branch.
Why not just save time and stab yourself in the foot?
– wincenworks
Rise of Incarnates’ Newest Addition…
Rise of Incarnates’ Newest Addition…
(Link is arguably NSFW due to “totally not nudity” sexualized design)
The link doesn’t work anymore, so here’s the character’s Wikia page
cryosession submitted:
…is a legitimate nightmare design. How…I can’t formulate words to describe just how…not-good-and-definitely-not-sexy this is.

This is by far one of the worst cases of sexualized exotification of Kali (again, a major figure in a religion practiced by a billion people) with transparent disclaimers of “well it’s technology not the real Kali” and “well it’s an Indian character”.
The character herself basically an almost white passing ripoff of SiN’s Elexis Sinclair (the Bianca Beauchamp version) with a Kali “battle form” that makes SMITE’s rendition look sensitive and nuanced. Oh and she swears like a sailor because “edgy”.
The game is free to play (competitive) with the model of getting people to pay to unlock characters. According to Steam it has mixed reviews with a lot of the negative reviews focusing on the price to unlock characters and lack of people to compete with.
Basically their game isn’t’ going well so they decided to try to make it more like SMITE, Soul Calibur and SiN.
Then they’ll go home and wonder why people have many negative opinions of video games and mainstream developers.
– wincenworks
Rise of Incarnates’ Newest Addition…
Rise of Incarnates’ Newest Addition…
(Link is arguably NSFW due to “totally not nudity” sexualized design)
The link doesn’t work anymore, so here’s the character’s Wikia page
cryosession submitted:
…is a legitimate nightmare design. How…I can’t formulate words to describe just how…not-good-and-definitely-not-sexy this is.

This is by far one of the worst cases of sexualized exotification of Kali (again, a major figure in a religion practiced by a billion people) with transparent disclaimers of “well it’s technology not the real Kali” and “well it’s an Indian character”.
The character herself basically an almost white passing ripoff of SiN’s Elexis Sinclair (the Bianca Beauchamp version) with a Kali “battle form” that makes SMITE’s rendition look sensitive and nuanced. Oh and she swears like a sailor because “edgy”.
The game is free to play (competitive) with the model of getting people to pay to unlock characters. According to Steam it has mixed reviews with a lot of the negative reviews focusing on the price to unlock characters and lack of people to compete with.
Basically their game isn’t’ going well so they decided to try to make it more like SMITE, Soul Calibur and SiN.
Then they’ll go home and wonder why people have many negative opinions of video games and mainstream developers.
– wincenworks