Vikings: War Of Clans

@avatarwill113 submitted:

I can’t believe it’s not porn.It’s the advertisement for the latest strategy game Vikings;War Of Clans!


When I thinking Viking I think uncomfortable underwear. She has a good helmet, shame about everything else. I’m sure this will sell millions of copies, and certainly won’t be forgotten within a month.

Well, given it’s from the creators of Stormfall, Total Domination, Nords and of course Sparta: War of Empires (who had an affiliate actual steal images from a porn movie cover once) and include promotional imagery like this:


It’s not terribly surprising to discover that this image,which is hosted on a major affiliate networking site that makes bold promises:


Is actually fetish art, literally off deviantArt*, and the fetish in this case is highly sexualized female gladiators brutally killing each other.  This is apparently, a stock standard image that the affiliate site keeps on their servers just in case they get a client they think will match that.

I can’t be the only one who thinks this is all more than a little messed up that a major advertiser thinks this is a great generic fantasy game image. (I don’t even want to think how they found this image in the first place)

– wincenworks

Looks like somebody searched the dA image category of “artistic nude.” Even if we’re stretching suspension of disbelief for the “almost naked gladiator fighters” trope, the design is just… boring. They didn’t even put in the minimal effort of giving her some kind of insignia or blood splatter or anything.


*The artwork can be found here. Please be warned that the linked deviantArt account features disturbing content including gore and sexualized death.



probably-unreliable submitted:

Djeeta by Minaba Hideo, she’s one of the two main characters from a Japanese mobile/browser game called Granblue Fantasy.

The last pic is her male counterpart to for some comparison between the two characters.

TFW you’re on a beach vacation and the boss calls you into work >_>



This is by far the least imaginative gladiatrix/ancient female warrior costume we’ve had on BABD. Literal modern bikini/underwear set with normal armor on arms and legs! 
Even her cuisses are shorter to enhance femoral artery stabbing show more luscious thigh flesh.

One thing that’s particularly funny when comparing the two is that the guy has no upper arm protection, while lady gets big pauldrons and besagews attached to nothing! Yup, their function as auxiliary armor is so totally not compromised by the lack of breastplate.


delena-hupp submitted:

I’m not any good at being funny, but I needed to share this since it’s so perfectly bikini armour. Now, to preface, I’m not going to pretend that One Piece does its female characters and their clothing any kind of justice, since the longer the series goes on, the more clothing the two leading ladies lose… But then you have Rebecca… 


Who literally wears a chainmail bikini. And her signature fight style isn’t fighting at all, it’s dodging. That’s right, her key strategy, in those clothes, is evasion. How is she not dead? 

I can just see people going “But THAT’S THE POINT! Skimpy clothing compliments her fighting style!” at this.

First of all, as you said, dodging =/= fighting, so why the pretense of “warrior” outfit and weapon in the first place? Second, how does the use of dodging as a battle strategy guarantee you won’t ever get hit, and therefore won’t need actual protection?

And how is that scalemail bikini top supposed to work without a tit falling out?


I found a scenario where boobplates and other kinds of outrageously impractical female armor were not only justified but historically accurate: gladiatorial combat. While they were certainly rare, female gladiators existed and they often wore revealing and impracical outfits in battle. This was because gladiatorial armor wasn’t supposed to be protective, it was supposed to look fancy and leave the wearer vulnerable. People went to the arena to see blood.

While the arenas of Rome would certainly have been the place where you would have seen impractical armor and boobplates if they were to ever exist… however there is no evidence to suggest that ridiculous female armor was ever worn by an gladiatrix.*

There is certainly evidence that female gladiators fought in the arena, however nobody has yet to find the remains of any ridiculous armor, any writings of ridiculous armor or any artistic evidence of it. 

Gladiator armor was made “impractical” in the sense that it didn’t protect their vital areas – but it didn’t impede their ability to fight or recover from a fight like a boobplate would.  They after all, there to provide a great show (their lives literally depended on it) and boobplates and similar armor would have just reduced the chances for blood (and boobs!)

“Contestants” (to use that term as loosely as possible) in the Roman arenas came in two varieties: People who were being punished in a theatrical manner and people who were basically professional athletes (even if they may be slaves).

According to Seneca the Younger, those who were there to be punished weren’t even issued helmets or shields so had no ridiculous armor.  The professional athletes had very specific equipment issued to them depending on their roles, No room for flashy boob armor.

– wincenworks

* Do not do an image search for “gladiatrix”, you will not find anything remotely helpful, but you will find a lot of stuff that is down right disturbing.