How Dragon Age’s costume designs are influenced by cosplayers

How Dragon Age’s costume designs are influenced by cosplayers

While the article focuses on the cell phones, I was personally impressed by the concept art also being interested in which parts where comfortable and what challenges costumes presented.

Creating designs based off needs and functionality can do a lot to build immersion and tell stories via the visuals.

It’s also particularly timely given how many people seem to assume that the existence of cosplayers means a costume is perfect and hence above criticism – clearly at some of the people who design the costumes believe there’s always room for improvement.

– wincenworks

dragon age wiki, uploader Eganogarddragon age wiki, uploader Леди боли

Armor from Dragon Age 2

As lots of our posts pointed out already, elements of good armor are basically always the same, no matter the wearer’s gender and body parts. 

And this here handy graphic on the left* is no different from any similar we featured before that showed a (presumably) male model wearing plate.


*Though honestly I’m a bit disappointed how painted-on the under-armor looks in the picture on the left. And how because of that I can’t tell if there’s supposed to be some other protective layer (maybe gambeson?) beneath it.


While the armor was a bit thing, I was exceptionally happy with how they took the simple concept of making warrior armor “heavier” by simply adding more protective layers on top of basic armor.

It’s more or less how most heavy armor has worked throughout history and cultures.

– wincenworks

more reference/resources on BABD | more on armor design on BABD